Everything in life and ministry has a price, which is either paid by someone else or must be paid by you. Should the church …


  1. This is powerful
    Full of lessons
    God have mercy on your people😢😢😢😢😢😢 haaaaaaa I'm happy moyo as forgive pastor bayo I really appreciate everyone God bless you really good happy Sunday ma sir

  2. Oh, Moyo, you needed to be reminded of your past to move past the so-called pain you clung unto.

    When we stand in the judgement of others and forget that we also obtained mercy, the Lord is not pleased with us.
    The song that comes to mind is the refrain in the song, ‘Here I am to Worship, and ‘I never know how much it cost to see my sin upon the cross. Lord, I am one you have shown mercy, and I pray I will not hold back from giving mercy to others in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  3. No one is above falling
    We all can be victims, don't judge others
    The journalist came for information but was told, even if you loose all, don't loose eternity.
    Moyo, your atrocities were more than what Pas Bayo committed yet you judged him, thank God for your friend who reminded you of your past so that you know how it feels to be judged.
    Judge no man.
    Lessons learnt.
    And to the journalist, get facts before feeding the public because what is said, can't be undone

  4. I always say it, those who are quick to condemn are the ones with the dirtiest past and secret lifestyle that go against the commandments of God. Oh God help us!

  5. Evil doers succeeded in this world because it’s their world. Satan is currently in control of this world, so yes his children will be prospering. We as children of Yahweh need to remember what it says in revelation 20. We just need to make sure that we are keeping faith and showing our love for Yahweh by keeping his whole commandment in truth and in spirit ❤


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