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Christian Gospel Movie “Caught the Last Train” | A Pastor’s True Experience of Welcoming the Lord’s Return
Chen Peng was a pastor at a house church. He had always served the Lord passionately, and often worked as a preacher, assisting his followers, and shouldered great burdens for the church. But in recent years, the church grew emptier and emptier. Believers were weak-spirited and inactive, missing meeting after meeting. And so even Pastor Chen felt a darkness befall his soul, as if the well of his spirit had dried up, and he could no longer feel the Lord’s presence. At meetings, he found he had nothing he could preach about. … He did everything he could think of to revitalize the church, but all his efforts were in vain. … Chen Peng was miserable, lost, and could not understand why his church was growing so desolate, and why they had lost the Lord’s presence. Until one day, by chance, he heard the kingdom gospel of Almighty God. After undergoing an intense debate, Chen Peng finally found the reason why his church had become so desolate, and came to believe that God had already incarnated and become the Son of man: Almighty God, continuously condemned and forsaken by the religious world, who speaks the truth and does the work of judgment in the last days! Only those who accept the judgment work of Almighty God, Christ of the last days, and follow the Lamb’s footsteps will be able to be raptured before God’s throne and attain the watering and supply of the water of life. As a result, Chen Peng happily accepted the work of God in the last days.
Special statement: This video production was produced as a not-for-profit piece by The Church of Almighty God. The actors that appear in this production are performing on a not-for-profit basis, and have not been paid in any way. This video may not be distributed for profit to any third party, and we hope that everyone will share it and distribute it openly. When you distribute it, please note the source. Without the consent of The Church of Almighty God, no organization, social group, or individual may tamper with or misrepresent the contents of this video.
The content of this video has been translated entirely by professional translators. However, due to linguistic differences etc., a small number of inaccuracies are inevitable. If you discover any such inaccuracies, please refer to the original Chinese version, and feel free to get in touch to let us know.
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Very very inspiring movie.Amen.❤❤❤❤ Thank Almighty God, God’s authority is everywhere.??????????☘?
These words are the words of Jesus coming back with authority. God uses words to lead and save people. Thank you and praise Almighty God! Amen!
Amen. Only God's words change our life❤️❤️.??
I watch it again! Wonderful movie! Thanks be to Almighty God! Amen!
the blood of JESUS wash the sins of man the generation in generation, once for all. this blood is so powerful JESUS never need to come a second time for the sinners. yu dont understand the BIBLE. wrong interpretation,
Powerful movie. It's touching my heart. Praise the Lord.Amen.?❤??????☘
Do you want to welcome the Lord’s return? Do you hope to attend the feast with the Lord? You are welcome to contact us via Messenger or WhatsApp, and we will help you receive the Lord soon.
Jesus came in the flesh and he left in the flesh. After his resurrection he invited Thomas to touch him because he wanted him to know he was physically resurrected with flesh and bones. His body was one that could pass through closed doors. When he ascended to the Father it was in that glorified body and the angels testified that he would return in like manner. He has begun the process of sanctification in us now as we put off the works of darkness. We can experience deliverance from sin as we look into the mirror of Gods word. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says as we behold him in his word we are changed into the same image from glory to glory. Romans 8:29 says he predestinated us to be confirmed to the image of his son . God has not appointed us to wrath but to the obtaining of salvation.
I am not 100% sure where they were going with this movie but it sounds like they were putting off the day of sanctification to the return of Christ. The Bible says today is the day of salvation.
Only Gods words change our life.❤❤❤❤God's word is power, and being with God is sufficient.?????⭐????☘?
To preach the words of God, consult God's Holy Spirit, in the living Soul.
Wonderfu and uplifting, to know the miracles of Holy Spiritt, ofGod.
Absolutely brilliant. Our God is the end time and the truth.
Very very very inspiring movie. It's touching my heart. Amen.❤️❤️??
so amazing it is good job.
Oops, this is so wonderful that most people can't say it!
Hello, I am to the understanding that, your argument is God becoming man again is confusing. You are talking about air and land. This doesn't make sense because God does exist in Spirit and Jesus ascended to God full body and spirit. Who are we to question God of How He is coming to judge. Remember He is God. We are his own Creation He will deal with us in His own way. Be it Spirit or Body. Our Job is Turn away from sin, Follow His commandments, Believe in Jesus sacrifices that He saved us from sin and death. Live our Godly life's and God will always judge us because He says so by His word that lives with us. We are either with Him or Without Him. So we are always aware what will happen to us, when we face the Creator in our final meet.
Why aren't you people going out there to bring the sheep to Glorify God and and reach their eternity, as this is our job , letting all God's children to turn away from darkness and into the Light. God forgive me, since your word is enormous, just my little understanding offends any believers. My understanding is Believe in Jesus Christ, be Baptized in water and Spirit, to reach Heaven and enjoy the benefits of God's Love in us and know our God is in us to live a fearless Godly life, for heaven bound.
What happened after that? it was since 2015.
Lets all repent our Lord Jesus Christ can come anytime and take us to heaven ,Lets seek him first and the rest follows God loves us so much.
He is giving us enough time for repentance
The dryness of ur word leads to confusion…. Impregnate me with hunger&thirst of your word oh lord????
Nice movie, a little slow at the start, but really nice.
This movie have strengthened my confidence. Glory be to Almighty God. Amen.????????
Father God I thank you for loving me thank you Lord Jesus for paying for my sin debt in full I love you Lord Jesus Christ Amen ..
And so is man. Man is a spirit, possessed a soul and live in a body. God breathe His Spirit into man and he became a living soul.
Believe In God and He shall be with YouAmen✝️
Once you were lost Now you are found!AmenThank You Jesus Love Your Children♥️♥️♥️??????
Our God Reigns,✝️
I know I will be with Christ my Lord and Betrothed Husband at THE DAY of HIS CROWING, for I now have communion with him, as HE told us at His last supper before His Crusifiction . I then will have it with MY KING EMMANUEL GOD WITH US, CHRIST JESUS, MESSAIH.
REALLY? God appeared incarnate? Beware of that Easttern Lightning doctrine
No Man those Woman lies Jesus Christ will never come back again in flash
We really must be careful what we hear and watch. Our personal experiences make us sadly it doesn't necessarily mean we are right. ???
God have mercy on us
God is a spirit and so is Jesus and I am quite sure that He will come again in spirit and is guiding and will guide us in spirit even in the end times which I already see here.
God is good, I'll forever trust in him
I concur
God is probably not changing the message because they haven't learned the current one
But ye shall receive power,after that the Holy Ghost ? is come upon you:and ye shall be witness unto me both in Jerusalem and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth ?.Acts 1:8
Emotional ?,to be saved there are pain,but are the end of all u will be saved,glory to God nice ? movie ?
I am wondering which bible are they reading in the last part as they have not quote any books or verse, my bible Matthew 24:4b says ….Take heed that no one deceives you.
This was ? sad. Please family let's pray for those who believe this way for real. Bless you friend. Amen!