Goodbye World

When a mysterious cyber-attack cripples civilization, a group of old college friends retreat to a remote country home, where they …


  1. I was waiting for the world to end. This story was really generic. 😕 I've been raised hunting and fishing all of my life and me and mine already have a place. It's already a sad state the way Putin is threatening to nuke us I know the United States will return fire so start now if ur not already prepared. Good luck and may God bless. 😪🐕🙏

  2. This movie should show most people how important the second amendment is for the protection of you, your family and friends, and no one has the right to question me why I need ten thousand rounds for each caliber of protection

  3. Film is more like a socialist college sophomore's wet dream.

    World ends, and 95% of the time is spent on interpersonal and interpersonal drama, as if it's still in the middle of growing season and there's enough food to go around. They should've been tilling ground on day 0. Even the ending is some wishy-washy CHAZ scenario where 10% of the people is working while the other 90% sing kumbaya around a girl with a guitar. I'm guessing all the writers haven't spend a day outside the good side of Hollywood? It just seems so wildly detached. Zero sense of survival, priorities all over the place, no one wants to move immediately.

  4. This is not sci-fi..we wrote a program (Stuxnet)to hack the centrifuges used to enrich uranium, not the computers, but the sub-controllers that let's say can change the amount of chemicals in youre water…the machines that do the work on the factory lines, they target supervisory control and data acquisition systems, what we did was speed up the centrifuges in Iran in 2005 untill the blew. but by 2010 everyone figured out how to use it…

  5. The government has lied (via public education) to this generation. They've created division by demonizing responsible citizenry. Their goal is full control of all monies and society. Things the founders worked against, in providing for rules to restrain government. My generation failed to pass on its faith.

  6. Good example of why we should all be prepared. Staying 1 yr ahead on food saves money in the long run. Having a plan if the power goes out is just common sense. We live in a fragile world that keeps getting closer to the edge in many ways.


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