God's Occult Mediums and "Christian" Spiritualists

As multiple holiness sects merged to form what would become modern Pentecostalism, many unusual men, women, and …


  1. Does anyone know of any books, articles or other resources that critically examine claims made in books like God's Generals and 2000 years of Charismatic Christianity ?

  2. I heard ministers say that God's general doesn't have what the message people have today. They never said branham got this so-called message by studying or copying those men.

  3. I'd be interested in the methodological issues with assessing those ministries/cults. I'm not sure how good sources newspapers are on those groups and leaders. Simply because the news also puts gossip into print quite often… even if there is some quality control.

  4. A number of mediums/psychics who came out of vaudeville/carnival shows doing their mind reading acts, also worked as healing evangelists…depending on what was working for them at the time. John Buescher's recent book, "Radio Psychics", documents some of their goings-on, and how they went back and forth from one persona to another depending on what the market would bear. Those who also worked as evangelists of different forms, were in the minority of the performers, most stuck to their psychic/spiritualist/mystic personas.

  5. It's so interesting, it reminds me of WMB talking about moving the bracelet with his mind and also claiming to heal crossed eyes without praying to God. Like you and James talked about yesterday, manipulation of the mind works, regardless of the setting.

  6. For me, this has been your best update as of today. this is the true root of the New Apostolic Reformation Movement that we see today promoted by Sid R. and most of the TV media ministries. A side note where Parham's mansion or home was located in Topeaka Kansas is now a public school parking lot.

  7. Putting Kathryn Kuhlman and Smith Wigglesworth in a picture of a video entitled occult mediums and Christian spiritualists is just so wrong, they would have been 100% against all that stuff.

  8. Thank you John!!! Glad you’re exposing many of these charlatans!,,,So many good and genuine seekers have been, generally, and genuinely, deceived by them. Actually, these false teachers and crook’s “ spiritual grandchildren” are still peddling the same snake oil…in countless churches, conferences and many YT channels…..


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