GOD'S NOT DEAD: The Most Casually Racist and Sexist Movie from "Christian Netflix" (PureFlix)

The Christian movie “God’s Not Dead” on PureFlix is full of casually racist and sexist liberal stereotypes, let’s untangle it! Shop my …


  1. I remember seeing this movie somewhere in my household

    Brb theres a hammer somewhere in my basement It's finally time to use it
    (Sorry for making 2 comments in such a short time I just didn't thought this woud fit to the rest of 1st comment)

  2. The intro to philosophy "god is dead" is wild…like that's not what philosophy is about.

    Also the aids comment may have been because it was seen as "gods punishment" by the religious right during it's beginning.

  3. This movie doesn’t even understand how hijabi and niqabi women even dress. You’re telling me this girls dad forces her to wear a head and face veil but she can wear a shirt sleeve shirt and jean? Bruh

  4. Why did the Muslim dad call God God? Their God’s name is Allah. Tf. Also my dad told me I needed to watch this movie because it “inspired him” and “reaffirmed his beliefs.” And that it would “answer all my questions” since I was thinking about my religion critically at the time.
    I never watched it until now via this video.

    I am cackling. Every argument is so weak and every character is vile or a cardboard stereotype except the Christians. Also you’re fabulous

  5. I love how they show atheists act like this but I’m reality is that religious people like this all the time. I literally don’t give a fuck what you believe in, just mind your own business and leave me alone.

  6. I've seen my share of christian movies (live action and animated, since I'm christian and gay too) and this ending is the darkest ending to a christian movie, and I've seen the movies about the rapture and the apocalypse, I mean who in their right mind talks about God and Jesús to a person that just got hit and run by a car and is dying none the less??!! 😅

  7. i don't know how someone could look at the last scene as something other than terrifying, like, imagine you're dying and some christian person instead of getting help or helping you is telling you to accept god and repent your sins so then you can get to heaven and stand next to Lord Jesus, I WANT TO PREVENT EXACTLY THAT KAREN

  8. careful explaining the Schrodingers cat experiment that succinctly Rick and Morty didn't even try to explain it and they got a super toxic following of school shooters thinking they were brilliant because they "understood the science" of that show

  9. Since it said White Christian propognda in the video I find that offensive but what's More offensive is you saying BS about God so shame on you I won't subscribe to you anytime soon nobody should criticize God also what do you mean by racist and sexist I think you just like to criticize the movie

  10. How has NOBODY mentioned that the main actor was from Good Luck Charlie?! It's not important, but this movie has been covered so many times and everyone is ignoring it. I feel like I'm crazy!!
    Lol almost like it doesnt matter.

  11. Jesus Christ is coming back please be prepared, He will judge the great, small , the rich and the poor. Everyone is guilty before him, no one is good enough to be safe from his judgement. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. If you have lied, stolen, murdered ( God said if you hate someone , you are a guilty of murder), committed adultery( God said if you even look with lust you already committed adultery), lust, blasphemed, there are a couple more. If you committed just one, you are guilty of all, because God commands moral PERFECTION. If you were to die right now, and stand in judgement before God and you are in these sins you would be rightfully cast to Hell. You still have a chance if you reading this because you are alive, Jesus Christ who is God came to earth as a human born from a virgin, he lived the perfect life we were supposed to live, and died a death that was meant for sinners. Jesus Christ paid the fine for us, he died for our sins because there need to be a payment for them, Hell and death are our wages for sin, but it doesn’t have to be with Jesus Christ paying for our sins on the cross. We must repent, turning from our sins, and trust in Jesus Christ alone. Do not wait.

  12. In my religion: There was nothingness in the universe. Then Chaos introduced all there would be in the universe, past, present, future. Chaos is what made the ground we walk on, Chaos is what made the universes millions upon billions upon trillions of stars, Chaos made the carbon based life forms of humanity, the house of the dead Hades, to the greatest heights of Olympia and Mt. Olympus, which despite sounding similar, are 2 different locales. In a way; Chaos to me IS the big bang. Chaos wrote everything, including the fates. Chaos will be here when the Universe lives, and Chaos will be here when the universe dies, and only Chaos can start a new universe once ours dies out…

  13. I remember watching this at youth group and wondering if anyone else noticed the casual racism or the blatant ignorance and jabs at Islam.
    Aaaah, not so good times.

  14. I don't think Willie endorsed the riots from the right, so saying it's ironic that he mentioned "Not crying when your side loses", and blaming him for the riots is tone-deaf and stereotyping Trump supporters. Other than that, this is a good video and I agree with you.

  15. Meena is concerned about her dying mom constantly having her favorite meal, and while variety is important, if she's on comfort care and potentially not willing to eat other food, it's not like the chicken will do much damage and it brings her joy.

  16. I know this film doesn't care about accurately representing other religions and cultures, but if someone is wearing a face veil and headscarf, they likely wouldn't be letting so much hair show and more importantly, would not be wear a t-shirt? If you are committing to that degree of modesty, non form fitting pants and long sleeve tops, or abayas are also worn.

    Also really ironic that they're vilifying islam considering there are plenty of groups of Christians who believe in modesty to a similar degree of many conservative Muslims.

  17. I loved this movie as a teenager…. and then I stepped away from Christianity and became a Witch and came to accept my own bisexual-demisexual nature. I realized how awful and manipulative this movie and Christianity really is. 😕 Yikes.

  18. As an agnostic person, I couldn't stop laughing watching this movie and not because it was funny but because of all the stereotypes and all the mistakes that they said with so much confidence, a solid 3/10

  19. I love how they completely ignore that Greek, Russian, and Ukranian Orthodox and Catholic churches, which are basically as Christain as you can possibly get, have headscarves. Also Nuns-? Hello?

  20. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
    [10]And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    [11]And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    [12]That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

  21. Don't you just love how the all-loving God had this guy hit randomly by a car and instead of getting help, the reverend just gets him to praise Jesus because it seems he has no real choice anymore.

    If I start randomly dying and a priest just happens to show up to berate me, my last words would be fuck God

  22. 30:10 10000 years ago bogunga had a dream where his god chumuplatek told him that the earth is round because it was one of his testicles, then we discovered earth was actually round, does that make bogunga religion right? This movie say it does

  23. as soon as i heard "newsboys" my immediate thought was "wait why the hell is newsies music in it?"and now i feel like that could have made it a lot better.

  24. Some people are going to say that I could have just left this out, but I feel to be honest I should always tell how I feel. I don't agree with your lifestyle, but that's for God to judge everyone. I love that you're a Christian now and I consider you my brother.

  25. As an agnostic that used to be apart of the Christian church…The only Christian movie I really only like was breakthrough. And maybe that one heaven is for real movie.(that one ended up being fake I think.) but the rest are just no… I remember watching god is not dead back years ago when I was involved in the church and I was so brainwashed into thinking that it was the best. Now realizing that it has many flaws. But yeah. Most Christian movies suck ass. And I’ve only ever liked 2 of them. And not even because of the religious part of these movies.

  26. Man this movie was such a meme back when it came out and sometimes I'll still sing the song as a joke because there's something so funny about it
    But I think people don't get the context of what I'm referencing

  27. As someone who plans on practicing veiling, I can tell you that it isn't oppression. It's a beautiful practice and people should be allowed to do it. This movie acts like it's oppressive and evil, and they act like Christianity doesn't have any veiling practices.

  28. Meanwhile my philosophy professor in high school :
    "So, please, for this lesson and to understand this philosopher's work, just consider that God exists. Your personal beliefs on the subject don't matter right now"

  29. my class (I go to a christian school with some heavy opinions) said that Heaven has no TV (I am a christian, but I'm just not a conservative christian). I was like WHAT!? And they said well maybe they do but only shows without sin. And then I was thinking of this terrible movie and its sequels and said that pureflix can't be the only program that Heaven has to offer. I mean it's so dumb. Btw this is coming from 15y/o students that think the vaccine is the devils mark (which I guess I have the devils mark). AND who belittle a classmate who wants to wear a mask anytime it's brought up..

  30. Idk why YouTube thought I should see this but here we are… uh…. the completely unrelated to the story Muslim girl…. What’s with the short sleeve shirt and improper “niqab” with her hairline showing AND SHORT SLEEVES…. Yes I know I said that twice… MY SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT is into the ionosphere 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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