This message present the fact that God will not choose your spouse for you because if he does you will blame him for anything …


  1. Although the Old Testament is not applicable (except as examples–linking references) to Christians because we are followers of Christ by grace, there is one event where God told the prophet Hosea to whom, not by name, to marry.

    Hosea 1:2 (NIV), it is written:

    "When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, 'Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.'"

    Now, it is IMPORTANT to CLEARLY UNDERSTAND that Hosea's marital relationship is a metaphor to convey a powerful message about God's relationship with the people of Israel.

    Gomer, a past promiscuous woman, serves as a symbolic representation of God's relationship with Israel. The unfaithfulness and waywardness of Gomer parallel the unfaithfulness of the Israelites to God. Despite Gomer's unfaithfulness, Hosea's love and commitment to her reflect God's enduring love for His people, even when they turn away from Him.

    It uses the prophet's personal experience to convey a larger theological message about God's mercy, forgiveness, and desire for a restored relationship with His people.

    So, God through the Holy Spirit can DO whatever He wants as in leading, directing, and moving us to our future partner. HOWEVER, the ULTIMATE CHOICE belongs to us to OBEY or not since we are bearers of Free Will.

    P.S.: For Christians, it is CLEARLY stated that any sexual immorality is unacceptable to God (e.g.: Hebrews 13:4, etc.) So, any person attempting to interpret promiscuity as "AOK" before God, needs to reevaluate themselves if they want their partners/spouses/mates to cheat in their relationships, which I very much doubt that relationship will hold for the long haul.


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