The Holy Spirit gave me a prophecy from God about the movement started by Kenneth Hagin along with a prophetic vision for the …


  1. I have always loved this about Prophet Ken E. Hagin …a man of the Word , Prayer , Fairness ,Balance,Forgiveness Faith and Love …attributes at the core of the Gospel of Jesus …what a life , what an example he was …by the ability of the Holy Spirit

  2. It is because of Holy Spirt of God leading me to listen to Kenneth Hagin’s teaching on faith that I have a permanent full time job today. God has used this man to change my life.

  3. Kenneth Hagin was very much a holy Ghost laughter minister , a healing minister and a
    faith teacher .
    I watched his videos for long . He was an authority in faith healing and faith teachings. He was one of the early teachers of the Holy Ghost infilling, speaking in tongues and believing for miracles
    A ministry that is also having a similar Holy Ghost laughter and miracle healing is by the river church Tampa of Ron Howard Browne.
    So , the word of Faith church is going to lead as much as possible the other ministers with the same faith, healing, and Holy Spirit revival.ministey

  4. Troy I’ve been a believer since my earliest years and I’m 76 I have not heard anything so so awesome of as what you’ve shared about how to take the Hagin word of faith stuff and move forward. I appreciate your dedication so much it just resonates so beautifully thank you. I’ve been a charismatic believer for many years and have not seen the signs and wonders in my life that is being Taught so strongly now. I have always wondered why And wondered what is wrong with me in my walk of faith. you’ve Captured the truth I believe quite beautifully in this episode. Thank you.

  5. 2nd Corinthians 9:8

    "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work"

  6. If you pray for healing, but say "your will be done", it illustrates that you do not know it is Gods will for you to be healed. When it plainly says in His Word that it IS His will for you to be healed. It denotes a lack of using your faith. Its hope alone. Faith is required to receive/access what was made available to you by Grace.

  7. Thank you for recording this video Troy. A whole new generation needs to listen to Bro. Hagin's messages. They have been a tremendous blessing in my life.Also Bro. John Osteen was a wonderful , full gospel minister. Both were tremendous teachers of the Word. I listen to their messages over and over again and recieve new blessings every time !

  8. Troy, my observation/conclusion (not God said) I think the wolves in sheep clothing are those denominations that label the people walking in faith & Spirit as false teachers/prophets.

  9. I am still reading and listening to Pst Kenneth Hagin with all other great men of God in the past. Time is changing but God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and Word or the Bible is the same. Beware of the AI

  10. My son believes he's being attacked by demons. I thought he is skitzophrenic but I'm not sure if he does or not. He was into ,ALIENS. I THINK THATS WHY HE IS BEING ATTACKED. NOW, HE SAYS HE BELIEVES IN GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST!😊

  11. Hi , I went to a Kenneth E Haggan Bible School in Liverpool .UK .
    The Holy Spirit showed me that this School was the one for me .
    The deep teaching and grounding of the word of God was absolutely amazing and astounding to say the least .
    I was really grounded deeply in God's precious words .
    Not only that ,but amongst all the semesters of different topics of the word of God , we had imparted in to us Honnor, integrity, morals and principles based on in and through the word of God , and walking in Love always in any given situation ,no matter what the situation was .
    I truly thank God for the prompting of the Holy Spirit on my life to answer ,lead and guide me to this absolutely amazing. Bible School .
    I had and still have an deep respect for this man of God , as he thought the word ,explains the word clearly and above all , which is so important to me , Kenneth E Haggan lived the word of God and always lead by example .
    Many thanks

  12. My brother, your message was right on point. Holy Spirit spoke through you because it pierced my heart. Continually be used by the Holy Spirit because you are a true minister and a very valuable part of the body of Christ. God bless you and your family. 🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌

  13. You know some Christians believe that God’s way means that you have to be poor and lacking, God has NEVER had a problem with prospering each and every one of us, why do you think Jesus himself told us that he came so that we would have life and have it more abundantly?

    The blessings or “rain” of the Apostles was different than the blessings we have today. And the Word says that the “latter rain” will be greater than the former!

    When are we going to start believing HIS WORD for our lives??? It’s the enemy that wants to STEAL KILL AND DESTROY everything he can from us. But some people would rather believe what the world 🌎 or the enemy says HOW we should live, than believe what JESUS!

    I refuse! I WILL stand on HIS WORD!!!

    Be blessed in Jesus name everyone!!!

  14. I just for the first time listen to you because of the Kenneth hagin thing. Through Kenneth hagin ministry back in 1987. In the word of faith magazine. February 9th 1987. I received a promise from Father God for my husband when he used Mark 11:24. Long story. But God is faithful who promised. And I just want to say I like you Troy Black. You are such a young man, but so knowledgeable, and right on, just wanted to let you know.❤😊

  15. I loved Kenneth Hagin, and would love to listen to your message but the background music has my head spinning and I can't continue listening. Please, if you are going to post versions with what you're saying being in competition with background music, please also post a version without music and note which is which or I may have to quit watching completely and unsubscribe. 😥

  16. The true Jesus actually will break your sins off of you. Many churches make Jesus of no effect. The effects of Jesus is that He heals you from your sins. Not to continue in them. I say this because people think they have been forgiven of their sins but that Jesus has no effect on helping you get rid of them completely. Which is not true. Jesus will heal you from your sins, He is our overcomer, He actually helps us overcome our sins. This is not preached at all really. Kenneth Hagin preached it
    And so does his predecessors. He teaches faith and faith is as it is and not as it was. Meaning all things are made new in Christ Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding this message. A very strong presence came at the beginning of this video. Marty Grishom is one of Kenneth's predecessor , and He teaches the absolute hands down best, how to pray series. Loud mouth prayer.

  17. Did you really spoke to our lord JESUS CHRIST? did you ask our lord JESUS CHRIST on how to be saved? which is important of these 2, Obeying the commandments of GOD or the death of our Lord JESUS CHRIST is the important to salvation. pls. answer.


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