Alan and Lisa Robertson didnโ€™t know how to put the pieces back together when Lisa admitted to a 14 month affair. See how God โ€ฆ


  1. I was married I got married when I was 18 years old and I thought everything was good but when I had my first child things started to go downhill I did have 5 Children out of that marriage and I love my children and I would leave it all over again 4 for my my children but as time went on I was so unhappy I would stay awake cry and ask God to help me I was so unhappy things wouldn't go in right and one night I was going to kill myself but Jesus wouldn't let me he saved me that night and I live a wall after he had an affair with my best friend so really when you look at it Jesus Jesus save me you take me from that marriage he used to embarrass me me and my children it was always punch things and I was so unhappy I did not like it by Jesus heard my prayer and he saved me and he got me into that marriage I became a born-again Christian when I was about 16 years old and now I am 42 years old it has been hard for me and my children but Jesus got us through that and I give Jesus all the glory and I think you my lord Jesus Christ for saving me and my children Jesus is coming back because he told me I have dream of the the raptures and I I have a dream of Jesus sitting on his horse but I couldn't see face so I believe Jesus is very very near may God bless you and god bless you your family and I hope to see you you in the Kingdom of Heaven the only best friend I have got is Jesus Christ he would not embarrass me he would not punch things at me and he will not turn me away so he is my best friend and my lord and saviour glory to Jesus Christ

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  3. I wish I had her heart. I couldn't touch my ex husband again after he told me at 23 that he had cheated and left right away. I guess that's why God gives us that "out" because some of us just can't handle it.

  4. The church is the perfect place for imperfect people who are moving on to perfection (maturity) through Christ! So glad for the restoration of this couple's marriage and that at the end of the story God gets the gloryโ€ฆ

  5. Wonderful story, but the thing that's confusing is she said her husband was involved in the church, but hold on, she herself wasn't baptized??? I mean in the water. There are churches where you cannot be married in that church or serve in that church if you had not had your water baptism, I mean as a grown up, not baby. I think that's very important.

  6. I suspected my husband always texting a lady on his phone , Weโ€™ve been married for 18 years, weโ€™ve both been happy together until recently when he switched side and I found out he has been cheating .I explained my story to a colleague at work then she introduced me to this genuine hacker, Darkwebprohacker who gave me access to his phone , I had complete access to his phone right on my own device and I could see all his activities for the past 2 years and also have access to new notifications, his text messages, Facebook messages,location, call logs, and I found out my husband was also flirting on dating sites..I love my husband a lot and I still donโ€™t understand why he betrayed me, I have been a good hardworking wife and never for once cheated on him. I tracked him down and found out he was always going to sleep in another womanโ€™s house with me thinking my husband is always at work for night shift. You can contact this great hacker who helped me found out the truth about my husband at darkwebprohack(at)gmail com or Whats app +19087998357 or text and call them directly on the same number.They helped me get access into his phone without even touching his phone.I have enough evidence against my husband and I am thinking of Filing for divorce.I want advice if I should give him another chance or let go ? We have 2 kids together it's a painful feeling but I believe things happen in life it comes as it goes, as it says what doesn't kills makes you strongerโ€ฆ.

  7. This is such a beautiful story. We all make mistakes in the past, I know I have. I was very much inspired by this story. I love my husband and my husband loves me, God put us together and one day we will too share a beautiful story ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ

  8. Thank you for sharing this testimony I'm believing for my marriage to be restored my husband's been gone 7 months and I haven't seen him he won't even tell me where he's at but I know he's living with another woman but I forgive them both and I pray that Jesus gets in to my husband's life and the other woman's life I'm standing in faith and believe in for my marriage to be restored

  9. Thatโ€™s interesting- I wouldnโ€™t have told her baptism is how you get the Holy Spirit. I would have said repentance prayer- I truly believe baptism changes people because itโ€™s simply an act of faith- I think I discount itโ€™s importance- this is good to remember


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