God saved me from a porn + masturbation addiction | Christian woman testimony

I hope each and every one of you is happy and healthy! And happy late New Year’s 🙂 Thank you for being here. I would be lying if …


  1. I don't believe in god or any divine entity in this universe at all, to me there just story's humans wrote in order to try to justify some kind of mean's for humanity to live under some control especially when it comes to those in power & those in power know they are just stories, I just think the universe happened on a whim, & the ingredients for life are water, the right amount of sunlight & so on & so forth, science has given us theories & models of how the universe & our solar system & the earth was created & many more, masturbation is quite normal & should feel normal the act of making anyone think otherwise is just a way to make them feel shamed for it, & when you take a look at just how so many living creatures not just humans do it & are horny especially some spices more then others such as dolphins, penguins, chimp's, dog's, i can go on & on & so on & so forth, chimps, apes, neanderthals' & other species like us are our closest relatives, there is a show called wild sex with Dr. Carin Bondar a biologist with a twist by earthtouch network that is no longer on youtube, but can still be found on daily motion, vimeo & other places on the net, it's a really really good biology show about the animal kingdoms sex-capades, I highly recommend if you ever wish to watch.

  2. Masturbation is not considered a sin. All humans were given this gift to relieve us from problems, tensions, etc., This applies to single girls, married women, widows, etc.. However. to be addicted to porn is what Satan want people to indulge in' to be perverse just like him.

  3. Amen
    He is always good. Any addiction is bad. The problem is the addiction and causes upon other people.

    Remember, salvation is based on good works and commandments toward self and others.

    Luke 18:18-20
    And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE?

    And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.
    Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother.

    I honestly no longer believe much in what Paul had said. For he is the wolf in sheep's clothing.

    The Bible is NOT INFALLIBLE, it is a like a mixture zirconia and diamonds.

    May Holy Spirit guides you to His Truth. May His wisdom and peace be with those who sincerely and diligently seeks Him. Amen

  4. Wow!! This is absolutely amazing! im so glad you shared you're story, im a male that struggled with porn since i was 11 or 12 i am 22 now and can say that ive been clean from porn+masturbation for 2 months now ive in the past quit for several months but just like you fell right back in it and felt absolutely defeated and then started the cycle all over again. During this time i was telling everyone i was christian but my fruits were rotten i didnt show the love of Christ in my everyday life, i looked worldly in the eyes of God. i didnt have an accountability partner cause to be honest i liked what i did i enjoyed it even until God absolutely destroyed my life and then rebuilt it with such a fire and passion for Him i now have an accountability partner (which is my mom but she has been such an amazing inspiration and help during this process and never stopped loving me and telling me that God loved me even with these issues) i also made it to where there was no way i could even feel tempted to do anything i pretty much made my phone kid proof lol but it works and i wouldnt change a thing. But thank you for this i wish people would talk more in church about how consuming porn is and the dangers of even getting into, and also give support to those that are struggling with it cause it can be life changing.

  5. You are so brave to put this on YouTube. I had a personal issue with porn for many, many years but I kept it to myself for the longest time. Then, one day many years ago, I got down on my knees and asked God to help me overcome this addiction. It's been over 5 years now and I'm still struggling but it's getting better. Listening and watching sermons from David Jeremiah and Jack Hibbs kept me searching the bible to stay relevant with the times as well keep up with my bible studies. Thank you for your testimony. I always thought that this kind of addiction was a male thing but to hear it from your words, really opened my eyes. God bless you!!!

  6. I was exposed to porn at 5 and when I got internet at 12, I didn't even know it was on there. Someone, an adult brought it up in front of me. I'm not sure where I'd be if I never knew porn existed on the internet because it has ruined me. Om trying so hard to get on the Path and walk in the Light. I'm trying to re sensitize myself because I went down a very long and eventually dark rabbit hole. I used to be chronically doing so. I'm so ashamed of what I did that the idea of doing it utterly disgusts me because it is further separating me from God.

    He was not Crucified for no reason. I put Him there and understanding this is so important for understanding why your sin is such a serious problem. Not only that but it's also the fact that St. Paul very clearly states that those who commit self sexual sin are abominable in the eyes of God. I never read Scripture like I should have and then at 19 I began smoking weed on a regular basis which made my compulsive lying even worse than what it was which eventually turned into a very bad mental addiction.

    I have been so slothful in my faith until the past few weeks in which time I have been making very serious attempts at living the way He wants for me and not the way my flesh would have me think is fulfilling.

    Everyone's journey is different, I'm so thankful I woke up to things before it was too late. I encourage anyone to look into Eastern Orthodoxy if you want the Ancient Faith which was established by God in Matt. 16 when He established the Church upon St. Peter's Faith

    God bless you all! For Christ is Risen and Loves us all!

  7. Thank you for sharing your testimony because it's pretty relatable and i do genuinely pray that god will help you more. Im dealing with the same thing and im still struggling to overcome it but i know eventually i will because of god. I wana say more but i cant really find the words to do so

  8. I am 50+ years old and I was introduced to pornography in grade school. I saw images that an innocent mind should never see. It created an unhealthy curiosity in me before puberty took place. At age 12 I was introduced to masterbation and I became addicted to unhealthy sexual arousal and orgasms. I started with swimsuit magazines and ladies lingerie catalogs. When I became a Christian I wanted to stopped looking at pornography and I did for years but I still kept masterbating and entertaining lustful fantasies. As A Christian I went through the stages of temptation, sinning then immediately repenting only to repeat the same cycle for many years and it got worse when I relapsed and started buying playboy magazines and eventually started going to adult bookstores because when you’re addicted you always want more and more. I believed the biggest lie that masterbation was helping me release sexual tension and that it was therapeutic for me even though it was clearly a sin against Gods purpose for sex. I married 3 times hoping that would “cure” me but it didn’t. I had trained myself to have a polygamous sexual appetite and my wife only became a physical partner along with other partners in my fantasy world. I wanted to be free but just felt helpless to break free from that cycle. One day I read the book “Every man’s battle “ by Fred Stoker and a lightbulb went on. For the first time I realized that I was not relieving myself at all or satisfying my sexual appetite… I was only making it burn worse just like scratching athletes foot takes away the itch only a moment but makes it burn even worse. I realized that I had allowed myself to love the pleasure of sexual sin more than Jesus and it was a bitter pill to swallow. I had to learn to hate my sin so I asked God to help me hate my sin give me the strength to stop sinning sexually. As I began my long journey of abstaining from masterbation I noticed my sexual cravings got progressively less and I felt stronger to not give in. My desire to satisfy myself sexually eventually disappeared and I have not had the desire to masterbate for over 8 years now even with no sexual outlet!! I was a chronic masterbater doing it several times a day sometimes. If God can give me the strength and power to overcome that he can do it for ANYBODY who’s willing to!! I recommend these Utube postings to watch:
    “Getting unstuck from sexual sin” by James MacDonald
    “Freedom from Lust and Impurity” by Robert Morris
    “Lust & Self Control “ The Porch ministry

  9. Let me tell you something young lady, that problem is only one coming from a heart that is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things, so don't stop there because there is much more our precious Savior died for in your life. Ask Him to show you what else it is that you love, if you dare!

  10. Great testimony! Praise the Lord! The enemy does indeed want to shame us and make us think we cannot share these struggles with sin. The devil also wants us to stay away from the Word of God and rely on our own understanding and willpower to deal with our shameful sins. I struggled with porn and masturbation from ages 12-28 and was finally freed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I pray others are freed from this enslavement to lust by our wonderful Saviour and the better plans for us that you mentioned.

    "Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

    For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

    Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

    Hebrews 4:14-16

  11. Thank you for sharing your testimony. I can relate very well with your experience. I struggled with it too. Porn and masturbation is a difficulty habit to break especially when our fleshly desires rise up.

    I agree that putting God in the centre, reading the Bible, learning about God, praying earnestly, and asking for his grace, guidance and strength to overcome this is the solution. One thing that also really helped me was to avoid doing things that invoke that desire in me like watching or reading things that have sexual themes.

    No matter how many times you relapse, you have to learn and go back to God again. And each time, as long as your heart is truthful and you repent and genuinely seek Him, you’ll find your way back to God. He is always there waiting for us to turn away from our evil ways. Don’t give up! 💪🏻

    God is with you.

  12. May Truth unbound myth and guilt:
    Let's ask ourselves with some honest and logical questions.
    What is the purpose of watching dramas and movies? It's for entertainment and pleasure, or some people call it a hobby.

    Now look, most of the time the dramas and movies are fictional and some were based on true stories. Whatever it is, we need to know that we are just trying to understand and enjoy it. Some people like watching war genre, some people watch mystical such like Harry Potter or even Star Wars or Saving Private Ryan. While some others watch gruesome The Saw or Freddy Krueger. It is the same like watching porn.

    Now, what is you keep watching serial killers series all the time and for a long period? It is an addiction and it gives you lots of negative that conditioning your mind. And bad things probably happen.

    Someone might say: the porn stars were duped into the industry and some were even young children. Ok, the problem is them and the person who chose to watch those kids intentionally and for many times. That's way out of curiosity. By the way, do people think that the filming industry around the world are professional and noble. No, they are not. Most of them if not all, they are all controlled by triads, mafia or some sort of evil organisation on the background or even by governments – North Korea, China, Singapore…etc.

    While masturbation is ok just try not think or inclusive some absurd crazy thoughts since porn in just a drama or action movie. So, have you recently watch John Wick 4? Killing anyone after watching it? Demon Slayer anyone?

    People can use knife to cut fruits or to kill people. It is the intention itself that manifest. As a human and a believer, we need to know what is right and what is wrong, how to be sensible, logical, rational, ethical, respectful towards others, helpful and discipline. Not harming nor exploiting others.

    I pray to God that believers can have more understanding and Truth in them by sincerely and diligently seeks Him. Not by blind faith nor no questions ask.

    May His wisdom and peace be with you. Amen

  13. Thank you for sharing something that is the most hard thing on earth to share! To do it publicly on this platform is hard, and 100 testament to the power of God. This particular sin can feel impossible to overcome, and it probably is impossible without God. But it is possible! Pray to God and ask for help with it, as someone who has struggled so long, God can help you overcome anything if you seek him. Don't be discouraged if you struggle with this or anything, but at the same time realize if you seek him he will be true to his word to help with it also. God bless, I pray for all the fam here that we all may be filled with his Holy Spirit and protected and guided to his will and not our own.

  14. I think it is much more difficult for males to overcome this issue.but this is even a problem for those well known so called religious person high in hierarchy of their religion.

  15. Me too my addiction on porn very worsening until now 🇵🇭 pls give me some good thing advice to avoid this sins help me in your prayers pls mssg me on my mssgr pls.🕊️❤️🕊️

  16. When you open yourself up to it for so long it turns into a strong hold and the demons will actually hunt you. I literally believe it takes deliverance of those demons to get free not just abstinence and you may need a prayer partner that cares enough persevere with you to finally get free. It's like you turn into a slave and they rule over you, whether you want to look at porn or masturbate or not it's just a feeling that comes over you out of nowhere…

  17. It's like saying that God saved you from eating meat. And now you eat only vegetables. It makes no sense. Eating meat is natural. But I understand that we are all different and people believe different things (including stupid things). For example, on November 18, 1978, at Jonestown, Guyana, 909 people decided to drink poison because they believed that it will take them to a magical paradise fantasy island.

  18. Thanks for sharing Stephanie. I am on the same journey at the moment, and I relate to your experiences so much: the relapse, putting self first rather than God, guilt and shame, all of it. I am currently reading the Bible daily, seeing youtube videos with testimonies of others and being encouraged by them, and reading Christian literature as well. I pray we all heal, and God helps us find us, as we find/go after Him🙏

  19. Zhun boh? Last time, and some still do it till this day, God/Allah use circumcision to help people with masturbation addiction and what happened next was a boom in the population growth.


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