See how one man born without arms is changing the world with God’s love & hope. ▻ 24/7 PRAYER Call us (toll free) …


    ……by A. W. PINK

    Love is the Queen of the Christian graces.

    It is a holy disposition given to us when we are born again by God.

    It is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

    True spiritual love is characterized by meekness and gentleness,

    yet it is vastly superior to the courtesies and kindnesses of

    the flesh.

    We must be careful not to confuse human sentimentality,

    carnal pleasantries, human amiability and affability with

    true spiritual love.

    The love God commands, first to Himself and then to others, is

    not human love. It is not the indulgent, self-seeking love which is

    in us by nature. If we indulgently allow our children to grow up

    with little or, no Scriptural discipline, Proverbs plainly says

    we do not love them, regardless of the human sentimentality and

    affection we may feel for them.

    Love is not a sentimental pampering of one another with a loose

    indifference as to our walk and obedience before the Lord.

    Glossing over one another's faults to ingratiate ourselves

    in their esteem is not spiritual love.

    The true nature of Christian love is a righteous principle

    which seeks the highest good of others.

    It is a powerful desire to promote their welfare.

    The exercise of love is to be in strict conformity

    to the revealed will of God.

    We must love in the truth.

    Love among the brethren is far more than an agreeable

    society where views are the same. It is loving them for what

    we see of Christ in them, loving them for Christ's sake.

    The Lord Jesus Himself is our example.

    He was not only thoughtful, gentle, self-sacrificing and patient,

    but He also corrected His mother, used a whip in the Temple,

    severely scolded His doubting disciples, and denounced hypocrites.

    True spiritual love is above all faithful to God

    and uncompromising towards all that is evil.

    We cannot declare, 'Peace and Safety' when in reality

    there is spiritual decay and ruin!

    True spiritual love is very difficult to exercise

    because it is not our natural love. By nature we would

    rather love sentimentally and engender good feelings.

    Also many times true spiritual love is not received

    in love, but is hated as the Pharisees hated it.

    We must pray that God will fill us with His love and

    enable us to exercise it without dissimulation toward all.

  2. You're a very fine young man. Good luck for your future in all you do, and anyone who disagrees, then that's THEIR problem, not yours. You GO my friend. The world really should be your oyster.

  3. You are as God made you, and there's a good reason for everything that he does, so live your life as he's showing you and you COULDN'T go wrong if you tried.

  4. God loves you Brother and me and everyone…I get blessings poured from Above just hearing this testimony….I am yet to Glorify his name my testimony is on the way 💖💖🤗Thankyou Brother, you’re a Motivation to many of us💗💕💕🥰👌👌

  5. The Gospel of salvation of our souls: 💜💕❤️❤️💖✨💖❤️📖✝️🕎💡💡❤️❤️💞💜💕For what I received I passed on to you as of [first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,  that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve.  After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time,


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