Jason’s baseball career was sidelined due to an injury. He began using drugs and an overdose sent him to rehab, where he found Jesus and began writing Christian music.

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  1. 1. Humans are weak
    2. Our Jesus is strong
    Psalms 103: 3-4 says
    who(Jesus) forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
    who(Jesus)redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,


  2. This includes prescription " medications" too! I'm trying to get off of my prescription drug. Through prayer. After many years on it, I realize it is a LIE! It becomes an obstacle between oneself, and the Saviour. Some people are delivered overnight. That's not me. YET. God bless every addict with deliverance!

  3. Christ you died for my sins.i am a sinner. .please forgive me of my sins.thank you for forgiving my sins. Plesse save my family from all their sins to accept you as forgiving Christ. I cant do it on my own but lord you take my burdens.

  4. The sole purpose of this life is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

    True, if we love God and love our neighbors as ourselves we will obey His commandments.

    Thankfully we aren't saved by loving God but rather because He first loved us and gave Himself for us.

    Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.

    Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past,present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.

    When you have believed on Christ alone for salvation then you have repented unto life.

    Salvation is absolutely free recieved solely by trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone, and is certainly not conditional upon service to God.

    Service ( discipleship) if you choose it can cost you everything if you go all out in serving God.

    Our good works, repenting of sins, and obedience, are solely for rewards in Heaven or a lack thereof and have absolutely nothing to do with salvation at all.

    The only reason anyone will ever be in Heaven is solely by the perfect life, shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ alone.

    Anything added or subtracted from this is another gospel.

  5. I watch so many of these specific type of testimonials, about addiction, particularly with opiates/opioids.. but none of them ever talk about what I need to know.. how they get through horrible withdrawals. For many, many people it is not about any euphoria or recreational desire at all. Many people have chronic pain and want to stop using the substances and are doing their best to quit and ween themselves off of opioids and still manage to be functional in order to work and take care of their kids and cannot afford to lay in bed for a week or two to detox. We HATE, hate hate having to take these evil chemicals and want sooooo so desperately to be free of them and have already accepted Jesus and have changed their lives in every other area of life. For me, I have even gone to deliverance twice which did help a lot but this lingering issue is just awful and I want to be free from this bondage, this prison and truly follow Jesus all the way. I can't take off work or just not take care of my son as a single mom in order to detox. I just don't understand why none of these testimonies mention that part and I know not everyone just gets their withdrawal symptoms removed by God because it's not always His will to do that, which I understand. So can y'all PLEASE make some videos about how these people have gotten through the withdrawals too? I know for a fact there are many other people who need this information as well. The withdrawal symptoms is what prevents a LOT of addicts from recovering despite their massive desire to do so. Thank you and God bless all of you.

  6. "Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are the true Son of God and that you died on the cross to rescue me from my sins, death and to restore me to heaven to be with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. I choose now to turn from my sins, my selfish ways, and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose to serve you and I choose to give my entire life to you. I believe in you. I believe you are the way, the truth, and the light. I accept you into my heart, into my soul, and into my mind. I choose to serve you and to receive your love and forgiveness. I ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Lord and Savior. please lord of lords and king of kings come reign your peace, love, and happiness into my heart and into my soul. fill my heart and my soul with your love and your life, and help me to become a better person who is truly loving and trusting —a person like you. Please cleanse my mind, body, and soul from the demonic entities that have been tormenting me my whole life. may the blood from your sacrifice wash my sins away and restore my mind, body and soul in your name Jesus Christ. allow me to Live, Love, Learn and grow through you. please bless my soul in you, the heavenly father, and the holy spirits name and help replenish the strength of my mind, body, and soul in your honor. Thank you, God of the Holy Land and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen"

  7. Please if any of my Christian b and sisters are reading this please can you pray for me I would be very grateful if you could.. I really loved this testimony.. Bless you and your family.. I relapsed after being clean for 6 years and I am really hurting myself.. I want restoration and Jesus back again thank you so much Jamie

  8. Anyone reading this I’ve been a christian but I’ve had a serious addiction to pornography the last 3 months I’ve just wanted to have sex I am 26 I haven’t had sex with a girl yet but I know I’m commiting Adultery with women in my heart I have sinned so many times and pushed passed my limit with God I don’t know what to say. Please pray God changes my hearts and I can change for him.

  9. This is what i am ging trough 😭 i tried to stop for almost 47373 Times already. I have been praying for 5 years … Still no deliverence , i hate IT so much , but i have to have IT , in so hurt

  10. How come God only appears to these people on your channel but not on my watch. Believe me i have my part of struggle and pain. I asked God , I surrendered to him of all my sins and …………..Nothing!!!!! What is that??? It seems like fiction to me.
    I really believe in God, our creator but nothing.

  11. Serious note* Lord my public profession is that you Jesus Christ are the son of God, died for my sins, & are my savior. I've been Delivered b4 and through great hardship have found myself back in chains. You didn't redeem me for this. Please help me surrender without having to suffer worse worse I already hage. I'm weak..You are my Strength. I am desperate for deliverance Lord God as I have tasted what Fredom is like. Please heal my heart n mind and bring me back Into Your gentle grasp.

  12. Please set me and my husband free from more than half our lifes of addiction . please give me nee heart and new desires before i kill myself . I fear God and dont like this filthy heart but I dont know how to stop or where to start

  13. I have been addicted to marijuana since I was 18 years old. I rededicated my life recently. I have dramatically decreased but have not gone days without. Please pray for me. Its so hard. I always thought an idol was only a person. I dont want to put nothing or no one before him. Im thankful for his grace and mercy. Amen

  14. I ask Jesus to not leave, I ask Jesus to forgive me for seeking the drug that he had brought me out of of as I relapsed. I ask for forgiveness and strength to quit I can't do it alone I surrender.

  15. As a teenager in the late 70s I had the habit of drinking and driving. I never thought it was a big deal. One night I was turning around in a parking lot and my car got wedged under a tree branch and it wouldn't budge. I slept in it until the next day when I could get a tow truck. I never drank and drove again but the fact that this was Devine intervention didn't occur to me until years later. It was not mere coincidence, that Tree grabbed hold of me and I'll never forget it.

  16. Please help me..I didn't pick up drugs untill I was baptised 25 years ago..i love and believe God. 7 rehabs and people constantly praying for me, yet I just can't stop…I've surrendered, I pray, I'm constantly on youtube listening to great teachings…I sleep with an audio bible..I wake up and thank God. ..I keep hearing all these great testimonies. ..WHY NOT ME….I'm tired, alone and desperate for God to bring me home…I'm sorry Lord but I hate my life

  17. God doesn't help drug addictions god supporters are awful disrespectful and you always see them i don't care if God is a spirit god doesnt float things about god is the sort of people that takes risks god doesn't understand if someone has a problem god just watches people that support god either hate or say god is good them leave them out just because you put god as good that doesn't mean he is always good go to Africa you will find out go to Afghanistan Iraq hospitals god is like a person he doesn't realize what he does all i can say is god doesn't help people that are not special or anything weak im not saying that it was from somewhere God doesn't care about people that are not special god just watches you'll also find out in some way god supporters
    Are too disrespectful they are the reason is think god doesn't help people that are having problems prove to me that what is god because it had enough of this

  18. It’s not turning out like this for our marriage 😪💔 I am a strong Christian woman but my husband straddles the fence between drugs and saying he’s a Christian. I have prayed on it and he refuses to get help because he thinks he doesn’t have a “problem “. I guess this is where our life long love story will end because I cannot live like this with lies and drug use in our home 😭💔💔💔

  19. Please pray for my son Brandon. He has become homeless because of his drug addiction. We have begged him to get help, but he refuses. My husband saw him today and begged him to get help. He seems to be under conviction but feels helpless. But he still refuses to go to a drug rehab. We are overwhelmed with sadness because of this.

  20. I am asking for prayers please I am trying to kick these horrible things from the doc that has ruined my life all to fight pain in my feet please help me and pray for me amen


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