GOD CALLING – L’APPEL DE DIEU Suite à une tragédie personnelle, la perte de sa fille, Sade perd ses repères, tombe dans une …


  1. I'd to come here to see this movie again. Kai! A soldier has really slept in God o. Kabir, you'll be surely missed in Nigeria ,the movie industry, and a while lot of us and your family the most. Rest in power great man. This movie mean so much more to me❤

  2. Wow, wow, wow… This is truly a movie inspired by God and I feel blessed and renewed. God is God.
    Great cast, amazing storyline showcasing the awesomeness of Jehovah:The Great ONE. Little Princess Lola is amazing and got my attention from the start. Thank you everyone and may God bless and comfort Kabiri Fabura' s family❤️❤️❤️

  3. I just finished watching this movie on Netflix but had to come here to leave a review. This piece left something in my soul, the message is deep. The ways of God is different from that of man and He chooses who He wants irrespective of tribe, religion, cast and whatever. Jesus is Lord. Well done to the casts and may the soul of Kabiri continue to find peace.

  4. When I stumbled across this movie a year ago, I was literally crying and I couldn’t explain why. I have come back to watch and feeling terrible that one of the casts, Kabiri Fubara is dead. Rest in Power!😢 This movie transcends the normal movie. It’s really deep.


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