"God Always Answers Prayer" | Rev. William Branham ( 58-1001 )

For more encouragement visit: https://dailymomentsofhope.wixsite.com/mysite 58-1001 – Lifting Him Up Out Of History Rev.


  1. I’m thinking of a time now, that when a nation was in captivity. It was Israel. And they were down in Egypt and was made hard and rigor, to serve the Egyptians. It seemed like that everybody had just grown cold. Did you know Israel was in Egypt twice as long as the United States has been a nation? We’re not over about a hundred and fifty or seventy years old, something like that. And they were four hundred and twenty years in bondage, or down in Egypt. But it come a time, when seemed like that all hopes is gone. 46 But there was one man and woman who seemed to have faith in a historical God that spoke to Abraham in the time of crisis, and they believed they could call on Him and He would answer. And that was Ham-…Amram and Jochebed, the wife of Ham-…Amram, the mother and father of Moses. And as here, some time ago, I was preaching and gave a little illustration of how that Amram would come home at night, and he’d say, “Jochebed, I am so tired.” And the fresh lashes on his back, from a—a taskmaster’s whip. 47 And she would sit down patiently, perhaps, and wash out the—the places, and weep and say, “Oh, Amram, isn’t there something that can be done?” 48 I would hear him say, “Oh, dear, if you’d have been with me today, and seen them beat them young boys, trying to pull those loads. But they were heartless. They treated them like they were animals. And that’s our young men of Israel. Isn’t there something can be done?” 49 That’s what I wonder now. To see our young teenage boys, that will be the men and women of tomorrow, our teens today. Hair down in their neck, and breeches pulled down over their hips, with a pistol stuck in their side, a cigarette in the side of their mouths. What will it be? It’s still slavery under the devil. Isn’t there something that can be done? 50 And Amram, perhaps one of the only ones of the nation, would climb up a little stairsteps, regardless of how tired he was. There, each night, he’d call on the God of Abraham, the One that he had learned that come to Abraham, and come to Job, and come to Isaac, and come to Jacob, in the hours of distress. And, surely, if He was God in their day, He would be God in that day. 51 And if He was God in Moses’ day, He is God today. He just needs to be called up out of history, and called on the scene of action. 52 And I can see Amram, night after night, no matter how tired; that proved his faith in that God. 53 But, today, the people, if they don’t get everything they ask for, the first time they pray, they seem to think that He’s dead. What we need is men and women, today, of gallant spirit, men and women who are determined to hold on, till they see a God that really lives, come into action, that will not take “no” for an answer. They’re determined to stay with it. If they are sick, and the doctor has said they can’t get well, yet Something within them tells them they’re going to be well. Hold on, no matter what takes place! Have you joined the churches of the denominational world, after you have sapped all your strength from walking from place to place, and you still can’t find relief? There is still a God that answers prayer and saves from sin. 54 And as we can see, Amram, on those weary nights, back bleeding, climbing up the steps again, until two and three o’clock in the morning, praying, and seem like he just talking to the wind. Down in his Jewish heart there burned a faith that no winds of doubt could ever blow out. 55 That’s the kind of men and women we need to rise on the scene today. If He doesn’t answer tonight, He will tomorrow night. If He doesn’t answer this year, He will next year. For, He’s a God; not a god, but the God. 56 And we see him, night after night, as Amram climbed the steps. And Jochebed would come up to him and say, “Amram, dear, you’ve been up here praying all night. Why don’t you just tell some of the boys where you’re working, and let them pray a while?” 57 “Well, honey, what if they don’t do it? Somebody has got to do it. Somebody has got to pray through.” 58 That’s the way every Christian ought to feel tonight; not waiting for somebody else, but take the front, ourselves, and go through. If we believe the Bible to be a history, it’s also a prophetic Book that tells that that same God shall rise in the last days. And it’s time for Him to come on scene. 59 That’s what Amram knowed. That Moses had prophesied…Or, not Moses. Pardon me. Abraham had been given a promise by this God of history, Who hadn’t answered a prayer in four hundred years, as far as we have record. But He made a promise that He would bring them out. 60 And, seemingly, we’ve had a silent God for a long time, but the hour has come where He’s going to rise on the scene. 61 One night when Amram had prayed, maybe, for several years. And his hair now was turning gray, and no deliverance, but just getting worse. One night he got right down to business. That’s how we have to do it; get right down to business. He said, “God, You promised this. And we’ve looked forward to it. And we see the signs all here, and the time is at hand. It’s time for You to do something about it.” 62 While he was in deep concentrated prayer, praying with all of his heart, he looked, standing in the corner. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. There stood an Angel with a sword drawn. He said, “Deliverance is coming. And you’re going to bring a son into the world, and he’s going to be the one to deliver them.” See? 63 God always answers prayer. Doesn’t He? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] If we just hold on!

    58-1001 – Lifting Him Up Out Of History

    Rev. William Marrion Branham


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