What happenened to the whole service (Jesus Conference 2016,Daniel Kolenda, Speaker,David Brymer ,Worship Leader) from which this portion was taken ..It is no longer on the Jesus Conference roster and I cant find it anywhere..It used to be my favorite worship to enter into His Presence at any time…Daniel,please put the whole service up …Thank you,dear brother…
@At The Meeting Place beautifuly said bro.
I love the picture that when we rest in him, he rests upon us.
I see the picture that while I get deeper into him, his beauty is clothing me in a prodounder and bigger way
Eric Gilmour thanks you for not leading people to principles, but presence, which means that a person is present & not in the heavens but in me! And I can sink into him in order to be clothed with this beautiful union.
Encountered the presence and love of God in a PROFOUND way. Weeping was involved..such a personal expression God gave of Himself, and His heart to minister to US. A fresh view of Father God, in the stillness. Don’t rush it. WAIT. WAIT.
Where was this recorded? At 6:08 I can hear what seems to be angels. Wow
While listening to this I received my healing.
Thanks for doing this.
What happenened to the whole service (Jesus Conference 2016,Daniel Kolenda, Speaker,David Brymer ,Worship Leader) from which this portion was taken ..It is no longer on the Jesus Conference roster and I cant find it anywhere..It used to be my favorite worship to enter into His Presence at any time…Daniel,please put the whole service up …Thank you,dear brother…
@At The Meeting Place beautifuly said bro.
I love the picture that when we rest in him, he rests upon us.
I see the picture that while I get deeper into him, his beauty is clothing me in a prodounder and bigger way
Eric Gilmour thanks you for not leading people to principles, but presence, which means that a person is present & not in the heavens but in me! And I can sink into him in order to be clothed with this beautiful union.
Eric, Really nothing. It’s crazy just posted content that I enjoy and the page took off.
Be Transformed how did you get so many subscribers?
Daniel should sing more often……it is sooo powerful
Encountered the presence and love of God in a PROFOUND way. Weeping was involved..such a personal expression God gave of Himself, and His heart to minister to US. A fresh view of Father God, in the stillness. Don’t rush it. WAIT. WAIT.
Open the heavens with praise and wonders Jesus Christ 🌼
Thanks for the upload!!! Jesus Christ is my only hope!!!!!!!!!
So grateful to have found this glorious track of worship to the King 👑 🙌
Thanks for sharing this extended version Eric.
Our Lord and God may Your continued blessings be upon Your children. Amen.
Just listening to this in my livingroom and it feels like heaven!
Thank you for this, Eric. So anointed. So blessed.
Thank u LORD for your sweet sweet presence
I really enjoyed music.I it helped me to connect with The Lord during a hard time.Thank you very relaxing n enjoyable.
Singing with you All….Jesus we LOVE YOU 👑👑👑👑👑True Reigning KING. …..TRUE WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH….HE IS LOOKING FOR SUCH…🎼🎵🌊🌊🎵🎵🎼🎼🎼🎵🎵🎵
My favourite, beautiful 🤗 your pure love for Jesus is so contagious 😊
Amazing !!!
I can tell the presence of GOD Blessing THE SOUND OF TRUE WORSHIPPERS I LOVE IT.
Im drunk
Thank you Lord Jesus!
Thank you Daniel K.
God has used you mightily in my life.
Love to listen during prayer and word time too.
I feel God! Thank you for posting (tears)