Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:08:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


    • What happenened to the whole service (Jesus Conference 2016,Daniel Kolenda, Speaker,David Brymer ,Worship Leader) from which this portion was taken ..It is no longer on the Jesus Conference roster and I cant find it anywhere..It used to be my favorite worship to enter into His Presence at any time…Daniel,please put the whole service up …Thank you,dear brother…

    • @At The Meeting Place beautifuly said bro.
      I love the picture that when we rest in him, he rests upon us.
      I see the picture that while I get deeper into him, his beauty is clothing me in a prodounder and bigger way

    • Eric Gilmour thanks you for not leading people to principles, but presence, which means that a person is present & not in the heavens but in me! And I can sink into him in order to be clothed with this beautiful union.

  1. Encountered the presence and love of God in a PROFOUND way. Weeping was involved..such a personal expression God gave of Himself, and His heart to minister to US. A fresh view of Father God, in the stillness. Don’t rush it. WAIT. WAIT.

  2. Singing with you All….Jesus we LOVE YOU 👑👑👑👑👑True Reigning KING. …..TRUE WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH….HE IS LOOKING FOR SUCH…🎼🎵🌊🌊🎵🎵🎼🎼🎼🎵🎵🎵


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