Give Your Inner Child Permission to Heal | Kristin Folts | TEDxOcala

Give yourself permission to walk down memory lane as you talk with your inner child about your childhood. What was it like?


  1. spending time comforting my inner child and speaking with her is such a wholesome thing. and the fact is, i’m still very much a child. i have so much more to learn. i don’t need to rush anything. it’s okay to live in the present moment.

  2. You must Walk through the pain…
    Not around it…
    Not over it…
    Not Under it…
    You must Walk Straight Through it…
    And Wait patiently and lovingly for however long it takes is healing and Wholeness…

    Very well said 👌

  3. Red Sun
    Red Sun over paradise
    Red Sun
    Red Sun over paradise

    Golden rays of the glorious sunshine
    Sending down such a blood-red light
    Now the animals slowly retreat to the shadows
    Out of sight

    Arid winds blow across the mountains
    Giving flight to the birds of prey
    In the distance machines come to transform Eden
    Day by day

    Only love is with us now
    Something warm and pure
    Find the peace within ourselves
    No need for a cure

    When the wind is slow and the fire's hot
    The vulture waits to see what rots
    Oh how pretty, all this scenery
    This is nature's sacrifice

    When the echoes boom with a brisk attack
    The reptile's tail ripped from its back
    When the sun sets
    We will not forget the Red Sun over paradise

  4. Idk I was 1 month old when 911 happened, and I’m also from the uk so I didn’t care very much when I learned about it 12 years later. Still don’t really care about the twin towers, what I care about is the hundreds of thousands who died afterwards because of America’s crusade that came afterwards 🤷🏻‍♂️


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