Girl in the Closet (2023) #LMN | BEST Lifetime Movies | Based on a true story (2023)

New Lifetime Movies (2023) #LMN | BEST Lifetime Movies | Based on a true story (2023) New Lifetime Movies BEST Lifetime …


  1. No matter what i go through with my sisters i will never hurt my nieces i see dem as my daughters incrime I LOVE them so MUCH and i will forever Protect them with my soul. MY nieces i love you so much please GOD protect them with my soul. Amen

  2. If this movie shook y'all up just wait until my book comes out so many parts in this movie are so similar to what I went through in foster care I went through so much trauma at the hands of my aunt and her daughter from 5 to 14 my story 3nd3d up in the news tribune in 2005….

  3. If ever you come across a person who has "changed" you're looking at a walking miracle. People generally do not change. They evolve.. become a more refined or advanced version of who they are. And if they are evil then ..

  4. this is the true story of linda ann weston! word by word and exact story ! the guys name really was preacher! they really did imprison those people

  5. Tami Roman need a star on the sidewalk in Hollywood this ladydi from the westside 🖖🏾 of Detroit I'm glad you left Basketball Wives love😘💞 you girl. Keep up the acting.

  6. For one this is the poorest uploading I've ever seen. Secondly these guys hv to be some master con artist cause it's not that easy to get benefits for kids without court paperwork


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