1. Pastor Lawson, thank you for this message. Please be prepared for the fiery darts of the evil one in the form of attacks from SJWs howling at the "sins" of George Whitfield with regards to his recorded stance on slavery. The tragic truth that escapes the limited intellects of the average "Christian" SJW is that if you exclude a man from preaching due to even a single sin (other then heresy), then no man could ever preach the word…no man could ever preach, teach, serve as an elder or deacon, or serve in any capacity in a church or Christian ministry–which, of course, is exactly the desire of the evil one. May our almighty and must holy heavenly Father open the eyes of these decieved brothers and sisters to His true Law and true Gospel. And, may He reach into the hearts of the unbelieving and turn it from stone to flesh.

    God bless you, sir!

  2. Best preacher I've ever heard. There are many. Up until I heard Steve Lawson preach, it has been my wife's grandfather and his brother. Now….there are three tied for first.

    Keep it up Brother.
    While I disagree with the Calvin's teaching of Election, the majority of what Dr. Lawson preaches I agree with.


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