General William Booth (Founder of The Salvation Army) – Through Jordan (1912)

General William Booth, Founder of The Salvation Army, recorded several sides for Columbia in England in about February 1907.


  1. It's brilliant to hear these, thank you so much, VS.

    Listeners will have a variety of thoughts about the theology of this & probably won't feel the need for mine. Instead, I'd like to add some simple thoughts…

    There's lots we might tend to rely on in life – in particular, I mean a heap of ordinary everyday things. But I suspect that a lot of it doesn't really hold us up when things get really tough. A long time ago, that happened to me, more than once. Fortunately for me (because I was right out of resources), something else did, from deep within my values & my faith in them. I didn't even need to deserve it. I also discovered how help from others can make a huge difference. These experiences changed me. They had a profound & lasting effect on how I see life.

    I'd like to suggest that it may be helpful in daily life (at least, it is for me) to take time to connect with positive, unchanging truths that really anchor us, & to be able to tell the difference between those & other things. What am I actually relying on today?

    My experience is that the more sincerely I approach, the more I have the feeling that my truth is approaching me. It takes patience sometimes. And if anyone reading this is having a difficult time, I'm sending you my best wishes.


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