Earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints. Amen.


  1. Testimony

    My name is Odim Kingsley, I based in Abuja. It happened that I was seriously feeling sick with the symptoms malaria that started three days before i got my healing miracle. I stayed alone, so that night it was so serious that I was even crying alone in my room, severe headache, cartarrh, stomach pain and body pain that I cannot even raise my hands or my legs.

    Because I so weak and tired to do anything else, I felt I should listen to one of the GS messages and I visited YouTube and as I was watching this from the preaching to the healing prayer, that is how I could feel that the sicknesses was gradually leaving me. I hands up during the healing prayer followed through, that is how I received my healing instantaneously. Praise the Lord. Amen


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