Dr. Drew speaks to a gay teenager who recorded his family’s harsh reaction to revealing his sexuality to them.


  1. Poor boy. And their views ARE unacceptable- they are saying they don’t love their son because he is gay? I’m sorry but there are some religious beliefs by fanatics that are simply immoral… kind of like burning witches at the stake

  2. They were living in someones home. Live by their rules or get out, seems simple enough. I left home and was emancipated at 17 went into the military because I didn't want to live under their rules. I don't want to stuff myself with my buddies dick's, but I'm sure he could find the strength to live his truth I think you say?

  3. If people COULD choose their sexuality they would just choose to be straight so people would stop harassing them. These people saying sexual orientation is a choice are ridiculous.


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