Every year, thousands of American teenagers are kidnapped from their homes and shipped to Christian reform schools abroad on …


  1. They're being indoctrinated as if in the military.
    I've seen people driven to mental illness being forced to follow these orders and demands in boot camp.
    I don't care for any form of psychological treatments being practiced by religious cults.

  2. This is full of social control, however, very organized for a religious cult, the actions that they do and dont do have a symbolic meaning, the sactions for a action that was made in a bad way are incredible full of shame. The tittles that this House Fathers have are also sociological built to make the """"trouble"""""" gay teen on a level of submission.
    All of this people, not the teens, Im not talking about this STAFF of Jesus, are also in deep ilusion, an ilusion that is built on brain washing for years and specially at a young age. Not sure who to blame here, In my opinion this is not the way to help out a human, well better than a jail ofc, but we as a society, yes society is too of a large word and deserves a deep talk, need to understand what is the wrong and what is the right.


    If you think this is ok, you may as well be spitting in God's face. The bible says not only "children are a gift from the lord", but also "he who does not provide for his own household is worse than an unbeliever."

  4. Verbal/mental abuse is a crime when parents do it. Why is it legal for strangers? There are clearly other horrors going on here too. This is why a strong federal government with uniform rules & regulations in all 50 states is vital. Allowing private companies–many of them religious cults–to run these torture camps on children using tenets that haven't been updated since 1979 should be illegal. Evidence-based therapy must be the standard in every field of medicine. This is a serious problem with addiction treatment too. Ex-gay therapy has been condemned as a harmful pseudoscience worldwide; even the leaders of Exodus came out against it.
    Any "parent" who sends their kid "off" for 18+ months doesn't deserve the title & should be investigated by CPS if they have other kids in the home. You've failed.

  5. They all seem like fairly decent young people actually. Not sure if thats because of the camp or despite of it. They are in some cases best well away for the environments they survived.

  6. Sending your child away, because he is gay??? Disowning a child because they are gay?? Are you KIDDING !!!
    That is the most disgusting thing I have heard of, yet they call themselves “parents”. They don’t deserve to call themselves parents.

    So bundling these kids up, sending them away to a bunch of brainwashed adults is even more disgusting. 😡😡😡

  7. i like the film, but the background music towards the end is really grating, especially since the overall sound quality isn't great to begin with. the music makes it even more difficult to properly understand everything that is said.

  8. Are u kidding me there are things that have happe4amd will happen that shouldn't ok like you can't stop it. How about reported them Heather place closed them nothing will happen.


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