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  1. Is good to get married to an orphan,, bcus believe me or not if this has anyone or place she can call a home, she would not have persivere in this marriage. On the other hand is a lesson for us all to know that we have to stick with our partner even in hardship, then we all must surely see that light at the end of the tunnel like what happens to this couple.

  2. Wow oooo this is incredible God can someone act like this for real Life? I keep on saying this to myself I don't really like watching Nigerian movies before is only actions movie's I do normally watch but this Honorable Ola Daniel's movie's is making me feel at home to watched. She's always act like a Woman of God with a good heart, even the movie she's acted My Son's Wife OH my goodness I really really cried a lot for that movies so talented with every rolls she's taken may God Blessed her Amen. Jst imagine she's visited them to there own House not only that she still has that Spirit of a Mother's Heart and invite them over for a dinner to her own House what a Miraculous God. Can someone here tells me why God will not double Honorable Ola Daniel's Blessing's? I still thank God for the guy and the Lady they realize there mistakes and asked for forgiveness upon everything they did she still has that mind's of forgiven Spirit such a Mother's Heart Honorable Ola Daniel ur Rolls always break's my heart and makes me cry a lot. So interesting movie to learn lesson with. May God continue to Blessed you on this Amen nd Γ€meΓ±. Infact I'm falling in Love with you already ooooo more movie of Honorable Ola Daniel please ooooo.

  3. The cast of this movies u both Play a good Rolls here. Chike And Stella you both play exactly what I expected from you guy's for asking for forgiveness towards your Attitude and your actions over Mrs Eden I Love that's more lesson to learn . Please more of this movies Honorable Ola Daniel's pl's Ma


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