Funny Church Video – Awkward Small Groups

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    Nowhere in the new testament will you find any evidence of any of the early churches being led by one man : but in every church there were always ordained elders ” PLURAL ” , in each church :  Acts 14(23) : ” And when they had ordained ELDERS IN EVERY CHURCH ”  and  Titus 1(5) :  ” ORDAIN ELDERS IN EVERY CITY , as I had appointed thee . ”                                                                                                                                              Christ clearly said that HE WAS THE ONLY HEAD over all men , and that ALL OTHER MEN WERE BROTHERS :  MATTHEW 23(8) :  ” But be ye not called Rabbi , for ONE IS YOUR MASTER : EVEN CHRIST, and ALL YE ARE BRETHREN !                                                                                      For any man to elevate himself above all the other brothers in the church , or to be elevated above all the other brothers, as the supposed pastor, or leader, or whatever is completely contrary to what CHRIST taught,  as we have just read where he said he was the only master and ALL others were brothers!      The appointed elders in each church were still just brothers, but brothers that were older in the Lord :  hence the name elders : as CHRIST said there are only brothers in his true church MT. 23(8).                                                                                                                                                                                    The apostle Peter of course knew this and thus referred to himself as just an elder :  1 Peter 5(1) :  ” The elders who are among you I exhort, WHO AM ALSO AN ELDER.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The apostle John also referred to himself as just an elder :  2 John (1) :  ”  THE ELDER unto the elect lady ” and 3 John (1) : ” THE ELDER unto the well beloved Gauis . ”                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Things were not decided in God’s early church by one man as the supposed leader , but ALWAYS THE ELDERS GOT TOGETHER AND DISCUSSED  THE MATTER  and came to an agreement together on any matter :  ACTS 15(6&22) :   ” And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter ” and  ”  then pleased it the apostles and elders , with the whole church, to send chosen men.”                                                                                 When Paul visited various churches he did not ask to see one man as the supposed head of the church , but he asked to see THE TRUE LEADERS OF THE CHURCH , THE ELDERS :  ACTS 20(17) : ” And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus , and called THE ELDERS of the church .”                                  When Paul visited James at the Jerusalem church , he did not meet with James alone , but all the elders were present :  ACTS 21(18) : ” And the day following Paul went in with us unto James , AND ALL THE ELDERS WERE PRESENT ! ”                                                                                                   With one person heading a church , as is the case with most churches today , people can become totally controlled by this man instead of God :  but with ELDERS PLURAL  heading the church the brothers plural keep each other in check but with one person this is of course not possible , which is why the Bible says :  PROVERBS 11(14) : ” IN THE MULTITUDE OF COUNSELLORS THERE IS SAFETY !”                                                                              So if this is not the situation in your church , then competent elders PLURAL  should be appointed in your church , BY AND FROM THE CHURCH BODY ITSELF , AND THESE ELDERS PLURAL , SHOULD BE THE PROPER CHURCH AUTHORITY :  ” NEVER ONE MAN ! ”
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