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  1. beautiful honorable celebration of life. please let his family grieve. no matter what people say, the presence of God rested in THAT House. Sweet, kind people in that congregation. Let them grieve in peace.

  2. The truth hurts,the boys was somebody's wants them to go along with this sin just because,he repented..doesn't means he is in heaven..get that straight bishop ? You must be a homosexual yourself..

  3. this is fantastic! Loved the video. Thanks! Shanto Micky! I'm gonna add that to my: shondi shootamosquitokickstartahondaEDDIE that spells Eddie! It was a long funeral! An Eddie Long one!

  4. This man spent years gooming young men who trusted him and waiting until they were 16/18 to rape them. His staff & his family knew. The evil it takes to do that is unparallelled. Sorry, not sorry. “Beautiful” service evil man.


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