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  1. Sorry God. I've been telling people that we don't have to go to church cause some people don't treat others right but the Lord placed in my mind that I was wrong because in every scenario you have good people and lost people. Thats not an excuse to miss out on gathering around like minded people. Definitely…I asked God for forgiveness and thank him for teaching me

  2. Please pray for for 1) our family member with cancer…going through chemo…her life is devastated….has a child….has many issues causing unbearable emotional stress, anguish, despair……is scared…has little faith….needs so much….heart-wrenching to see her in such p a in

  3. I've been without fellowship with like-minded people (except for my Godly husband) for over 20 years now, because there's no like-minded people around here, but it has caused me to get much more closer to the Lord and to my husband! 😊If there's a Biblical and Holy congregation near you, you should participate in it, but if there's none, stay close to the Lord and endure until the end.

  4. I have social anxiety especially now after having covid & I go to church sit the back row & slip out, I am a Christian, I am a believer, i hope I'm not judged as a non Christian for not socializing

  5. I spent 10 yrs in churches being horribly abused by Chritians and the Lord told me to come out,that was 12 yrs ago—–He was refining through the process as i stayed surrendered in every area walking in faith and repentance holding on to the promise!He told me before i went the religious spirit would attack me , i just didnt know it would be everybody !God is changing His church dramatically in these end-times and we will SEE the love and beauty of God in the church ,not just lots of people playing church in their flesh! So the 'real' sinners can come in !Be blessed!

  6. What if there's no church in your city?
    You are narrowminded to think in terms of american cities and european cities.
    What would you do if you were in india, or iran or iraq, afganistan, etc..???? Do you still.have same answer. I am from india.

  7. You wont find american and european styled city churches here and there in many Asian countries. Thailand ,malaysia, indonesia, india…pakistan, bangladesh, bhutan, burma.iran,. iraq .your just quoting a scripture from bible ….cant be done in these type nations. Pls understand.

  8. It's important to keep in mind that the "ekklessia" (Greek word for assembly) that we call church is not a building that we know today, but the body of Christ (Jesus as Chief Cornerstone and Head of the church, Mt 16:18). I absolutely agree about missing out and the pandemic did keep us from attending church. We became isolated and many were adversely affected. I miss the fellowship and congregational gathering. I experienced that something was missing. I look forward to be with church family 😊. God bless you both for discussing this subject that needed to be heard and understood.

  9. Church was my home away from home, it was my social center, always learning and sometimes sharing as well. I've moved to a smaller town to be closer to loved ones, but without a car, may as well be a million miles apart. Members of the church don't call and ask how I am, they don't offer rides to church, I get a distinct feeling they don't want me there….I'm very depressed …very sad…stuck in a chronic illness with no friends, no church….no healing….

  10. As believers, we spend more time focusing on the synagogues as the church, but we, the people are the church. You can fellowship with other believers at a cafe, park, community center, etc.

  11. I believe you can absolutely give the LORD all of yourself and not go to church. GOD knows where your heart is and what you believe. And as long as you stay in the word and do everything you are supposed to do it is ok not to go to church, as long as you are around other brothers and sisters in CHRIST. I STOPPED going to church because the church stopped preaching the word, scriptures and JESUS. THEY STOPPED PREACHING THE TRUTH. But I still do everything else.

  12. I don’t believe in the church. I believe they are businesses built to drain followers of their money. The pastors guilt us into donating our last cents.


  14. God bless you always steve, what a awesome GOD we have. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

  15. I disagree that going to church is important and does not strengthen your relationship with Yah. The church has fallen, sadly with this covid nonsense. They shut down right away from what has been proven to be an overblown agenda of the governments. When they opened again it was just controlled, small amounts of people, registering them to the government and obeyed the "law" to not sing!! Now they are still wearing masks? That is just sad. Maybe years ago when the truth was being preached but now churches are just controlled social clubs. Yah wants His people to worship in Spirit and in Truth, trusting in Yahusha alone for salvation, for that is His Name.


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