The True Testimony of a Christian Experiencing Judgment | β€œBaptism by Fire” | Full Christian Movie (English Dubbed) …


  1. May God bless and hold in His palms our Christian brothers and sisters in China as they face persecutions. Soon we will be sharing in their beautiful experience in Europe too as we become persecyuted

  2. From this movie, I feel that those who truly follow the Lord are blocked and arrested by the dark and evil forces in this atheist country of the Chinese Communist Party. I think that God is persecuted every time he works. God brings the gospel of the kingdom of heaven again because of his love for the world The world allows mankind to drag away from sin. Thank the Almighty God who praises us and give glory to God. Amen!

  3. Pharisees doesn't gain God's approval because they remain in the law which is dead not on Christ who is the embodiment of God, the living full of grace and reality. They didn't believe in Christ Jesus.

  4. To deal with the soul we must count as refuse all religious, philosophical, and cultural things. In dealing with the body, we should take care of our physical need but should not indulge in excessive physical enjoyment.

  5. This was one of the best, deepest, Christian movies I have ever watched. Beautiful. Thought provoking. If one truly seeks God, they will understand every word. Well done. It was like I was watching my mind played in a movie and couldn't believe how perfectly it was put together. Great job.

  6. Yes it is by Gods grace through Christ and the Holy Spirit we are saved. We walk the narrow path, which is paved with heartache at times, mixed with Gods blessings. When you give yourself completely to God there is a peace that transcends upon you, within you. This has helped me to overcome. Praise the Lord. Amen.

  7. Throughout the entire movie they spoke of the truth, yet didn't understand what it is. Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6, John 3:16, Romans 6:23, John 3:3, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Repent of your sins and believe Christ Jesus was and is the Son of God who took upon Him all the sins of the world; past, present and future and died on the cross for us taking our place and through His blood we are washed clean of sin. By accepting the Lord's FREE gift of Salvation, you will be saved. Once you are born again, by doing this, you belong to God and He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will never let you go

  8. I wonder at the fact they do not mention being baptized in Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit in us to guide and lead us. That we are no longer slaves to sin but are covered by the blood of the lamb πŸ‘. It is so hard to see their battle for the freedom to worship and Love God our Father who loves us so much, we all know in part May we keep praying for enlightenment and for the yoke of oppression to be broken and May the Lord be merciful and help us continue to Do the Father’s Will in Jesus’s Name Amen πŸ™ God bless you and your families πŸ™βœοΈπŸ•ŠπŸ™ŒπŸ“–Do not diminish the Power of God through Faith IN Christ Jesus hallelujah

  9. Humbled by the humility and honesty with one another. Would like to be more humble myself with fellowshipping with other believers.
    What was the beautiful song at the end called? I would like to listen to the whole thing.

  10. LOVE = light FEAR = darkness choose wisely
    THANKs in LOVE share – LETTING GO the past
    live NOW and creating a INCREDIBLE lovely FUTURE …………. NOW


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