Do you know what people are able to welcome the Lord’s return? Please click the link to contact us via Messenger and we will …


  1. God Almighty forgive me for being a coward. I will serve you now no matter what. God thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for placing this movie on my life. I love you God

  2. Who's watching in 2021 if March?
    I'm a Christian ✝️lets not be ashamed. I activities didn't know what scriptures they were reading, doesn't sound like the gospels to me or Corinthians, or Timothy.???

  3. The Chinese government is evil. This means that Christians will not steal, rob or scold others, they are good people. The Chinese government will arrest Christians. The CCP is the enemy of God.

  4. Did not recognize any the readings from their "Bible?" Jesus is the way, truth, and the life ALWAYS and wondering why a salvation message was never mentioned seeing that they were being persecuting for their "faith?" What faith is this movie declaring because truly doesn't match up with my "Bible." I certainly can't give it a thumbs up.

  5. Peace 💚and 💛Blessings❤ Too My Brothers 💛and 💙My ❤sisters May God 💜Bless 💛Everyone❤ Always May💚 God 💛Bless💙 Everyone Richly 💜with 💛everything ❤they need 💚Always 💛Much❤ Love Blessings 💛Always 🎇💯💛😇🌐🌈✌💯💛💜💙💛💜💛💙💛💜💛💛💜💛✌💯

  6. May ❤God 💚Be 💜With💙 Everyone💚 Always💜 Much 💙Love Blessings 💚Always 🎇💯💛😇🌐🌈💙💜❤💚💜💚❤💚💜💚❤💫💚💚✌💯✌


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