Do you know what people are able to welcome the Lord’s return? Please click the link to contact us via WhatsApp and we will …


  1. You all will have to fight for your rights and freedoms your country is at stack if not you all will be slaves to them devils may God help you all to fight for your rights freedom from them evil people worst i ever seen .

  2. i have so much to reflect right now by watch The Church of Almighty God movies like this one and even watch them again makes since about everthing that we including myself are doing wrong deep inside out within all of us may God help us all to pray for our Chrstian Chinese brothers and sisers all this dark satanic demonic evil that happening in China must stop!

  3. This could never happen in America, where I am from, right🤔. We have an evil regime in our government who hates all that the Christians stand for… Covid has opened eyes to see, this is exactly where we are headed. And yet so many do not see its happening 😔. Unless God wills otherwise. We be wise, to be ready to face what our brothers and sisters throughout China and other places face as a reality. Jesus promised we would be hated because they hated Him first. May we be found faithful and full of the Holy Spirit to witness of our beautiful Savior 🙏 maranatha

  4. Every time I watch this movie, it makes me feel sad and heartbroken! I also feel that I am so lucky to be able to trust God in a free country without being oppressed or persecuted! Thank God for His mercy!❤❤❤❤❤

  5. What bravery! I hear people complain about being persecuted in the United States of America but none of us know what you are going through in China.
    God, please protect these people and help them guide more brothers and sisters to your truth, Amen 🙏

  6. Thank you God for your protection had been save the people who faithful to serve you as personal Saviour in there life because of you their lose families, house and everything they have but than then the crown of life is waiting for them

  7. Heavenly father I pray you loosen your healing and strength and faith and courage over all watching and all be attacked for the true gospel i pray yiu feel them with peace and joy and i thank you praise your holy name thank you Jesus that your will be done give all courage for judgment to be refined in mighty name Jesus Amen thank you Jesus 🙏 🥰


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