Amen and amen ooooo God of the most high i connect myself to the altar of the most high god for the healing good health favor and breakthrough of the most high god ooo
Oh Lord I connect okigwe uchenna okigwe ugochukwu okigwe somtochukwu okigwe Munachi okigwe osinachi okigwe chikamso and okigwe chizarem In alter of Almighty God this month of march God bless us
Amen and amen
Amen and amen ooooo God of the most high i connect myself to the altar of the most high god for the healing good health favor and breakthrough of the most high god ooo
Oh Lord I connect okigwe uchenna okigwe ugochukwu okigwe somtochukwu okigwe Munachi okigwe osinachi okigwe chikamso and okigwe chizarem In alter of Almighty God this month of march God bless us
Amen in Jesus ❤️ name 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏