Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke spoke at Hillsong Church in Sydney on Resurrection Sunday in 2016. “Free Indeed” is a message …


  1. William Branham with Malachi 4. The spirit of Elijah we must receive him for our day. God told him, you'll have a son called his name Joseph. People moving from around the world to be a part of his ministry. More truth voice of God recordings.

  2. What is a true Christian? Someone that believes the Bible and obey it. Acts 2:38 Mark 16:16 Deuteronomy 22:5 this is the only way to eternal life. You must receive it or perish.

  3. I love his Sermon may his soul celebrate with Jesus Christ and TheAngel's. Bonnke won changed and transformed may soul into Liberty . Salvation in Christ. Germany needs Christ. Holy Spirit lead me do Your Will in this land of the living.

  4. Every Sermon and preaching of (L) Rev Reinhard Boonke had been an inspiration and blessing to me everyday in the midst of struggle of my life.May The Lord Almighty bless and prosper the CFAN ministry much more in the days to come Amen.

  5. Shalom Pastor
    Indonesian country
    Province : North Sumatra
    District : Nias
    Please support your prayers, Pastor, so that I can get pension credit from Taspen because a year ago they offered me pension credit but now when I ask for pension credit they don't give it..
    So that I can get married in 2022, Pastor..
    Thank you Pastor..God bless you 🙏

  6. Rev Reinhard Bonnke is likened unto living flame of fire, the very oracles of Lord God Almighty Himself. God's true vessel of honour to the world. Lord Jesus, let none of God's Word through Your precious servant falls to the ground. Amen. Hallelujah!


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