Title: FOUR SILENCE BUT DEADLY WAYS TO TAKE DOWN YOUR ENEMIES | Charles Spurgeon Sermons Welcome to …
Higher calling to confuse the adversary. Heap burning coals to cause them to think better of what they do. It is a reflection of something greater. Declaration of a higher purpose. Give way to peace. Unwavering affect. It is not weakness. Christs’ love conquered death. We are never alone with God. In prayer, refuge for our weary souls. Prayer transforms us teaching us humility. Prayer anywhere, anytime – He never leaves us. Aligning ourselves with God’s Will. Declaration of faith in His faithfulness. Drawn closer to God. Integrity – the desire to honor God. Wear no mask before others. Courage to speak. Discipline , guard your words and action. Integrity is Freedom, transparent, a clean conscience. Becoming a witness of God’s Love. Lonely perhaps but making a partnership with God the more important. Illuminate the world with God’s Character. Refuse to let pain define us. Forgiveness. Aligned with God’s Will!!! The door is opened for restoration. Opportunity arises. Refuse to be ruled by injustice of others. Trust God’s Justice. A higher way. God’s ways are higher. God is omniscient. Romans 12:19. Acknowledge God’s Authority. Take your pain to God, no one here. No immediate answer here to be sought. Rest all in the LORD, our God. Speak out of the abundance of love in our heart. James 1:19. Reflection of Christ’ Compassion. Speak truthfully. Guard the tongue. Discipline. Hebrews 11 – the heroes of faith. steadfast devotion. Speak with grace seasoned with salt. Persist in faith. Allowed to persevere in alliance with God. Amen ♥️✝️♥️
Higher calling to confuse the adversary. Heap burning coals to cause them to think better of what they do. It is a reflection of something greater. Declaration of a higher purpose. Give way to peace. Unwavering affect. It is not weakness. Christs’ love conquered death. We are never alone with God.
In prayer, refuge for our weary souls. Prayer transforms us teaching us humility. Prayer anywhere, anytime – He never leaves us. Aligning ourselves with God’s Will. Declaration of faith in His faithfulness. Drawn closer to God.
Integrity – the desire to honor God. Wear no mask before others. Courage to speak.
Discipline , guard your words and action. Integrity is Freedom, transparent, a clean conscience.
Becoming a witness of God’s Love.
Lonely perhaps but making a partnership with God the more important. Illuminate the world with God’s Character.
Refuse to let pain define us. Forgiveness. Aligned with God’s Will!!! The door is opened for restoration. Opportunity arises. Refuse to be ruled by injustice of others.
Trust God’s Justice. A higher way. God’s ways are higher. God is omniscient. Romans 12:19. Acknowledge God’s Authority.
Take your pain to God, no one here. No immediate answer here to be sought. Rest all in the LORD, our God.
Speak out of the abundance of love in our heart. James 1:19. Reflection of Christ’ Compassion. Speak truthfully. Guard the tongue. Discipline. Hebrews 11 – the heroes of faith. steadfast devotion.
Speak with grace seasoned with salt. Persist in faith. Allowed to persevere in alliance with God. Amen ♥️✝️♥️