Best friends embark on the challenges of Freshmen year while working through their own problems, until a tragic incident …


  1. Well I was bullied in high school in seventh and eighth and ninth grade then I was starting to fight back and nobody f*** with me again stand up to your bullies do not let them say you scared if you let them see you scared and then they'll keep picking on and help others if you see them getting picked on I always say hey what the hell is wrong with you but you know why the bullies bully everybody because they're getting bullied at home by their father or their mother or their brother or sister or somebody in their family is doing something to them that's a fact because that's why they take their anger out on somebody else because they're getting bullied at home

  2. Well let me tell you that was the best movie I've ever seen so far one of the best because it shows that the bullies they run from the gun but but the girl got shot instead but I don't even know if the bully got shot and killed but you know what it it should have been him instead of the girl movies like to bully people because they're getting beat up at home by their parents or abused some other way and they have to lash out on other people that don't look like them or you know act like them everybody's different in this world nobody should bully anybody everybody's skin colors different everybody's body types are different nobody should bully anybody and I don't feel sorry for the bully if he did get shot and killed because he was a fuking idiot that's terrible how he had a treat that little kid but I guess he got what he deserved because you know karma goes around comes back you don't bully people people get back at you and that kid shot him and killed him he should not have done that but you can only last so long when you getting bullied you can only last so long until you fight back the kid should have just like I mean told the teachers or just stood up for himself if he got beat up again that's fine but at least he stood up for himself if you stand up to the one bully and beat the s*** out of the bully or whatever you do to him then they won't pick on you anymore you have to show no fear God is always there with you and he's telling you to fight back believe me won't you fight back the bully the other ones will back down I'm telling you from experience from my high school I was bullied in school too because I had a big glasses and I was just an oddball I would say not to smart but I I said enough is enough and I start fighting back I said this is it so when the girls were picking on me in the in the bathroom I went crazy on this one girl because she was picking on me and and really bad and I just had enough and I took her head and I smashed it on the sink like three times and she was bleeding all over and the other girls f**** back down and left but I don't care I do not like bullies and I will fight any bullies that come around that's not cooland my kids were bullied in school too and I took care of that situation real quick I'm telling you from experience do not take the abuse that the bullies give you start standing up for yourself you have to in this world is crazy and you have to take care of yourself and and others so from experience just listen to my words ????????? God is always there when you need him and God is always there when you don't need him he's always there no matter what so please trust in God Amen


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