Following Christ | Charles H Spurgeon | Free Audiobook

Audiobook Description ~ You cannot have Christ if you will not serve Him. If you take Christ, you must take Him in all His qualities.


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    Cnapter LIST
    Ch. 1: The Necessity of Following Christ… 00:15
    Ch. 2: How to Go … 18:29
    Ch. 3: The Help of the Holy Spirit … 37:03
    Ch. 4: Only Christ … 49:08
    Ch. 5: Great Faith and Great Works … 01:01:08
    Ch. 6: Being Faithful with the Talents He Already Gave Us … 01:18:14
    Ch. 7: The Joy of the Lord's Harvest … 01:35:36
    Ch. 8: The Body Works Together … 01:51:22
    Ch. 9: Merely a Servant. 01:59:01
    Ch. 10: With God Nothing is Impossible … 02:12:44
    Ch. 11: We Must Bear Fruit … 02:24:19
    Ch. 12: Solely for His Glory … 02:35:27
    Ch. 13: Fire and A Hammer … 02:49:12
    Ch. 14: Beware of Foxes … 03:01:24
    Ch. 15: Good Things Take Time … 03:12:59
    Ch. 16: The Urgency of Today … 03:25:39
    Ch. 17: Open Your Mouth … 03:40:26
    Ch. 18: God's Limitless Providence … 03:49:54
    Ch. 19: Our Meager Loaves in Christs Hands … 04:05:05
    Charles H. Spurgeon- Biography. 04.27:17

  2. In the time it takes to listen to this you could read, reread, and memorize everything Jesus ever said. He didn't say that much. Why would God Kill his own son? Isn't that murder/abortion? Doesn't God make the rules? Why should the innocent suffer for the guilty? Matthew 12:7
    "If only you had known the meaning of 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent". God showed no mercy, He condemned the innocent, what gives? Jesus only submitted after sweating blood – he didn't welcome persecution with "joy". Why should we have higher standards than Jesus and God? The cross isn't important – everyone dies – it's the Resurrection that makes Jesus special. Why is there no 'Sign of the Resurrection" after all these centuries? Why aren't you holding up something hopeful instead of God's murder weapon? A Roman terror weapon that carried the message DON"T REBEL (the same message the cross sends today). You could have just read the sermon on the mount in the same amount of time – far more useful, but then, what do we need you for? Jesus just gave the sermon on the mount and said "follow me" -meaning his example – healing, feeding, peacemaking – "works". Simple, really.

  3. I have Mere Christianity the audible book it is fantastic!
    I love how challenging it is to try to keep up with his incredible mind throughout this book.
    To do it justice, it really requires you stop frequently and really really consider what he is saying.

  4. How about the rich pastors That spinThe money On gold A round their risk Gold Watches How about airplanes That's money from the people they go hear the word of God That's what the rich pastors bye That so call beautiful building made out of concrete one It will come all down That's not the building that God is talking about He's talking about the body of Christ To build-up Why don't you talk about those rich pastors they come out on TV on YouTube

  5. Such truth and honesty. Bless you for this great book. Way to many marshmallow preaching out there just trying to make people feel good about themselves. It's nice to be called out on my lazy ways.


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