Dr Myles Munroe pointed out the five important thing God gave to a man for woman and all this things are what God expect men to …


  1. Hi, I am a Christian evangelist, I want to share with you that Jesus Christ loves you and cares about you, you can entrust all your problems if you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins for our sins of mankind and you believe that he rose on the 3rd day for you can live in him you will be saved God bless you I did not come to convince you but to show you the eternal love of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone the Holy Spirit who is a spirit of love, of  wisdom, intelligence and knowledge can convince you by changing your life be ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world and that he wants to have a relationship with you, to save you from your sins Jonh 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God knows you he cared about you you are precious to him because he loves you the first when he create you think about that before it's too late for your soul, Because after your die you can go in heaven or hell if you accept Jesus you living on the light for the éternity in heaven but if you die on your sins without the forgirvness of the lord you will going to hell for éternity when you can suffer and be far for the presence of the lord i love you repents from your sins it's that mean give your life to Jesus-Christ and begin a new life for live with him in holiness God bless you??✝️. And the time to repent is now no longer the time to live in sin, neither in distraction nor in seduction come closer to the Lord Jesus Christ of your God because satan is speeding up wickedness so that more people go to the lake of fire but the Lord quickens his spirit so that many souls give their lives to him so that they go to the kingdom of heaven which is the heavenly place of the Lord Jesus Christ by having eternal life because we were not created by God for him disobeyed but to obey him in his law of love and wisdom God bless you?❤?✝️. Do not neglect what God wants to do with you let the Holy Spirit change your behavior and your language so that you will be prepared when the Lord Jesus Christ will return in the heavens (in the sky) so that you preach the good news of the gospel to your family, your entourage and to your nation because everyone must hear about Jesus and listen to his marvelous spirit because the spirit of the evil one (of the devil) is very very destructive. The name of Jesus has the ability to cast out demons, heal the sick, heal those who have problems in their body parts: skin disease and even pains in the body and above all raise people from the dead, nor mohammed, neither budha, nor mary, nor any star in this world let alone an idol can save you from eternal torment but only jesus who can save your soul and spare you from this wild and terrifying place to bring you to his kingdom of peace and justice. Because it is terrible to find oneself towards the wrath of the living God without having received the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior of our life and that there is no possible forgiveness towards your creator after death and that's where you can tell if I had known. You know the truth right now it's not about going to church and a religion that saves you but it's JESUS WHO LOOKS AT THE HEART AND NOT THE APPEARANCE BY THE SIGHT OF MEN BE SANCTIFIED FOR THE COMING OF CHRIST BECAUSE A HUSBAND CANNOT MARRY A WIFE WHO HAS NOT BEEN FAITHFUL IN THE ENGAGEMENT PREPARE FOR THE SECOND COMING OF THE MESSIAH AND THE KING OF KINGS THE LORD OF LORDS JESUS CHRIST✝️???. Jesus will never abandon you whatever the situation alchool, marijuana, cannabis, sex outside marriage Jesus can deliver you from it not the soothsayers, nor the sorcerers who are also magicians but GOD ALONE can deliver you from this if you call on the supreme name of Jesus you will be delivered through this message which is inspired by the Holy Spirit and he will always be there to help you.


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