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  1. Father please by your power help me out of debt and settle my marital life , help my daughter , give her concentration in life and education , wisdom of God to her in Jesus name Amen

  2. God please bless me and my children with good health, long life, financial breakthrough, favor, good luck, wining in everything i do, wisdom understanding and peace of mind in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen

  3. I connect myself and everyone connected to me to this prayer altar I receive every prophetic word and prayers spoken into my life in the Name of Jesus. Father I command answeres now in the Name of Jesus. I command a Restoration in the Name of Jesus. Father I decree and declare a speedy manifestation of every prophetic word and prayers spoken into my life and Destiny in the Name of Jesus. I decree and declare speedy Results now in the Name of Jesus . I receive all the Graces in the Name of Jesus . I receive the Grace for speed, favour and visability in the Name of Jesus. I decree and declare father I pray for this Grace bring evidence now to my Christian experience in the Name of Jesus. I declare I go and excell and turn into a sign and wonder wonder in the Name of Jesus. I decree and declare speed in my life, speed with my destiny helpers and speed in my Destiny in the Name of Jesus Amen and Amen and I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus 🙏🔥🔥🔥

  4. Lord have mercy on siblings,1 Laraba Daure 2 Ruth Daure 3 Peter Daure 4 Christopher Daure Esther Daure and our mother Rifkatu Daure 🙏 am the last bone MIRIAM DAURE, I connect my two children Faith Sani Lakobbo and Jeremiah sani Lakobbo in Jesus mighty name name 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. As for me and my household and family.We Shall serve the Lord. God give us your Grace, glory, healings, Longevity, divine journey mercies, vindications, Breakthroughs, blessings and your Love IJMN AMEN


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