Oge (Chacha Eke) is puzzled by a mystery man Dr. Robinson (Fredrick Leonard)who she continually sees in her dreams, little …


  1. Beauty will never accept to let fredrick go she wants this marriage by fire by force but it won't work because Oge and Robinson have the same dreams and finally they have met I smell war ahead to fight against destiny

  2. Oh wow!!!! They both has finally met the partner of her dreams. What a strange situation to find themselves in. Can't wait to see how it works itself out. Unfortunately Beauty is in for a great surprise.

  3. If U love FREDERICK LEONARD & CHACHA EKE acting together give them massive thumbs up to appreciate them, may this new month of April be prosperous & joyful to everyone Amen ????

  4. If U love FREDERICK LEONARD & CHACHA EKE acting together give them massive thumbs up to appreciate them, may this new month of April be prosperous & joyful to everyone Amen ????

  5. Chacha eke is a very beautiful woman even without make, up haha this is now going to be more fun beauty's parents were there for oge and in luv with beauty's man, this is going to be complicated,


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