The happy marriage begins to crack, when hidden secrets begins to shatter the foundation of their relationship casting a dark …


  1. I don't think I like this ooo😮
    Is this obtainable in any home where Jesus Christ is called upon at all
    I can't know what would make couple to be using such harmful words on themselves
    God help our homes 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Another Lesson in all of this that most Christians overlook is “Watching your Mouth 🗣️” the Bible says “ Bad company corrupts good morals” the marriage is between the two of you . Not you , your mother, your father, uncle, colleague, friends etc… Learn to keep things to yourself. Seek God first, ask him for advice first, listen 👂, and then you can talk to a trustworthy person abt it

  3. If you know you haven’t learned how to properly regulate and manage your emotions please do not get married. Just watching their behavior alone has me so stressed out, I can’t imagine what kids who grow up in these kinds of environments deal with. Major psychological trauma. God will help us all and keep us and our homes in Jesus name. Amen


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