God wanted a fighter and He found one. Mark Wahlberg stars in the inspiring true-life story, Father Stu. Exclusively in movie …


  1. The only thing more gross and pretentious than Protestant films are Catholic ones where they try and convert you through sheer arrogance and "deeper" messaging that really isn't deep at all

  2. As a pastor's wife, I watched this movie yesterday and cried. Loved it. This Christian life IS not what we see portrayed in every day movies. We don't go around all day smiling, being perfect or smelling like gingerbread. Some of us are rough around the edges, we may not fit in the conventional cliques and may be outcasts like Father Stu – this movie is not for the perfect Christian, but the imperfect, who have a heart and a calling from God. God can use us, regardless of our background or afflictions, he knows the plans he has for us. Yes it has cursing, but so does life, it has imperfect people but so does life. But when I tell you this movie made me wept, it moved me. I loved the ordination scene. I tried telling someone about it today, and I cried. Lord help me to persevere. Help me to be ME and not a copy of what people want me to be, and use ME just the way I am. Thank you Mr. Wahlberg.

  3. Not sure if they have Mr. Cash in the actual soundtrack… but LOVE that one of his songs covers this trailer! Just one thing, the "man in black" wasn't actually Catholic. Heh. No offense. I know many that are genuinely new creations in the same Spirit. A lot of religious distraction in the sect though… idolatry most of all (icons, praying to "the saints", etc.). Sounds harsh and judgmental, I know. No worries. It'll all come out "in the wash". Love wins.

  4. Began watching this today in Martinez . Closeups were awful .. constant and purposeless . Cinematography was amateurish. Colors were odd and unnatural giving the film a gritty sort of aged feel. Unrealistic characters and plot absolutely atrocious. Only the truly devout ‘blinders on’ Christian’s would like this film. Walked out 10 minutes after ‘your name is ham like the pig?’ ..who wrote this ? A 7th grader in Christian school? It plays out like some drunks pathetic , oddly homophobic and racist daydream .. glad Mark sort of announced ‘I’m giving up real acting amd instead I’m going for the god like complex character actor ‘ ..I switched my ticket for ‘memory ‘ Liam Neeson. Brilliant , heart wrenching, real, gritty , suspenseful, and surprisingly gratifying .. I loved mark’s old films ..this was absolute rubbish .. see you in hell Mark 😂

  5. Saw this movie yesterday at the theater and…OMG… If Mark doesn't win and Oscar for this performance I don't know what would. He even put 30 pounds on to play this role and he financed the movie. I was blown away by the acting and the story. Father Stu was a remarkable man. Once in a while God sends us these extraordinary saints to prove that HE still is watching us from above and that HE will always be with us.
    Thank you to all the people involved in this project to make it a reality. I will buy it when it becomes available.

  6. For those hesitating because of views on religion, watch it the movie was good.

    I hate and i mean i hate movies that preach shit to me and i can say they made religion part of the story not the message. The story is about a man struggling to find himself and perseverance, religion is just part of his life just like boxing was.

    It’s kinda like how in the rocky movies you don’t have to like boxing yo like rocky, because rocky wasn’t about the boxing it was about the man.

    Hope you all enjoy it, i was surprised and enjoyed it even while dealing with my depression.

  7. As if by grace I ended up watching this film while trying to kill some time…I was ready to watch any movie, just happened to be starting when I went to the theatre. I didn't watch the trailer so it took me on a roller coaster not knowing where the plot was going; made me laugh and cry just a little. ;}

  8. Man… the song I want for the movie that I’m writing, (Johnny Cash’s song) keeps being used in recent movies 🤔🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  9. My priest went to seminary with father stu, we are a traditional diocesan parish. He told us the movie was good for adults to see, and said father stu was a no nonsense guy who helped the other priests realize their false piety. Really an amazing story so I’m excited to see it!!

  10. Orthodox…not catholic. It s the only way. Otherwise you re lost !!!
    Daca ati stii prin cate pot trece ortodocsii practicanti, voi actorii de la Hollymolly, ati face un film care ar cutremura planeta. Insa imaginati va cum o cutremura Sf Liturghie cand se canta Troparul Maicii Domnului: ingerul a strigat catre Cea plina de daruri, Curata Fecioara bucura te, si iarasi zic Bucurate caci Fiul tau, a Inviat a 3a zi din mormant, si pre toti ne a ridicat, veseliti va popoarelor, lumineaza te lumineaza te noule Ierusalime caci slava Domnului, peste tine a rasarit, salta acum si te bucura Sioane, iar tu Nascatoare de Dumnezeu veseleste te intru Invierea Celui nascut al Tau !
    Hristos a Inviat !!!


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