When famous pop star Eden Chase is almost kidnapped by a crazed fan, she enlists the help of handsome, brooding bodyguard …


  1. 🪝🗓📅📆🤰👩‍🍼👶Remember none of witches cows and dolls baby or sharks or Brains Africa and 🦑you can't touch me or touch my baby or fight with my . None of you can’t fight with my mother and my father and my sisters and my brothers or my family and my niece and nephews and my children and good people living around the worlds.I command to all of you to take everything back to there spiritual or religious or cultural and century and spell and curse and black magic to me. Time to stop everything right now like bad witch or bad demons and bad giants and animals spiritual like food spiritual painting on display at the museum..etc..do not forget to paid me back beautiful Queen earth morality eternal and powerful woman with wisdom and knowledge and charming. Do not forget to paid me the money is £800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000990000000000000000000000000000000000000099900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  2. Gregg Popovich plays Ozzie 😂. I didn't know he is an actor and NBA coach. Go Spurs Go !!!! 🏀🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏀🥇🥇Texas Stand up 🇨🇿

  3. Women always turn a guy in or make a move first then act like their the victims that got taken advantage of, and people actual side with that’s lying bs. lol. Sad. That ending was terrible the bf talks about her song being good when her best friend that saved her is dead behind her and everyone else is dead. Cute guys always crazy.

  4. Really? That IS the opening of the movie, with a cheesy video? Must be making fun of pop stars and their dimwitted low brow videos! If so, they nailed it! I dimly remember VHI and MTV–from decades ago–but man–that was sooooooooooooooo long ago–and I am just not into video music. I only listen to music on YOU TUBE because I can no longer find the CD's I want at the stores and just about EVERY record store there was in business is no longer in existence. Online shopping IS just not my thing when it comes to shopping for music. I miss the good ole days of vinyl records and stereo's and speakers that could blow you out of your living room! MY DAD still has his of course. HE is 81! God bless him!

    I use a really great pair of head phones now and my computer! LOL


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