Fat Chance | ROMANCE | Love Story | Free Drama Movie | Full Length

Fat Chance – An overweight dental assistant is challenged to find her self-worth when she falls in love with a young man using her …


  1. I’m over 200lbs and this movie really hit home. I live in an ocean town and dating here is hard for women my size. There’s so many perfect women here who look great in bikinis, so women like me are very rarely looked at.

    I love who I am, but I’ve completely stopped dating due to the standards of men in this area. It’s way too much pressure and heartbreak. Granted, I still pray I get to have an ending like Allison someday 🤞

  2. Alot of men out there like big women. Alot of them are shamed and ridiculed by friends and relatives. They won't change that unless they decide that they don't care what other people think.

    I am glad the real Allison overcame and was able to get healthy. It is not easy carrying around an extra 250 pounds and even harder to lose it!

  3. This movie was beautiful written and the actress who played Allyson was beautiful… But in reality if you can't see the beauty or how you look in God's image 💖 than Hollywood is doing great job of destroying young girls… We all are beautiful and this movie taught us if she's not happy with her weight there's help… Exercise, eat healthy… Love yourself as God loves you


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