After two animated film box office flops, Disney + is looking to Tim Allen to restore Christ to Christmas and bring financial success.


  1. This video and comment section is my Christmas yall are so adorable. You do realize that the leading character in two of Disney's top earning animated movies of all time is gay right? And Rise of Skywalker had a blink and you will miss it kiss just like Lightyear, both movies sucked but one managed to make money because it had star wars episode 9 in the title and people were curious as to how it would wrap up even though they knew it was probably not going to end as good as it began. Lightyear failed because it was a really stupid premise to for a Buzz Lightyear movie to try and be Interstellar for kids. And Strange world flopped for the same reason Croods flopped people barely knew about it, one of the reason one of the trailers has over 15 million views was people started hearing about it flopping and got curious. And it frankly I don't blame them, it looks boring compared to something like Encanto and it's just okay. If the problem was gay people why did Atlantis or Treasure Planet fail to such an extent that Disney decided to shut down the 2d animation division?

    If you think Tim Allen is going to bring them long term financial success by starting to preach take a look at your average views, if Iger brought in those kinds of numbers I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say the board would would have him shot. You can't run a multi billion dollar company and make decision based on a cult. That includes the people who think without representation being in very single media content that meant the creators are against them, and the people like you who screamed your lungs out when Glee was successful because you feared it would turn your kids gay. Yall the same coin just different side is all.

  2. For any actors or actress who has a true belief in JESUS, why does the Name JESUS so offensive to the world ,because JESUS is alive and is the truth and the truth offends, those who do not believe That JESUS is the truth and all that HE said HE was, my children here my voice, prayers for all the Hollywood people that are not afraid to say what they believe personally JESUS said if you are ashamed to acknowledge ME to the world so will I be to acknowledge you to the father ,Jesus said fear not, for the world hated me so will they hate those who believe in me but take heart my children for I have overcome the world and I will never leave you alone or forsake you in times of testing, again I just bless the people in Hollywood for standing up for JESUS, so many promises that our lord Jesus gave us, open the Bible and grow and its not easy to stand for truth when they are actually trying to change truth for lies and confusion, it is the children that they want ,because they are the future its so odd in the old days if you did not believe in God people looked at you like something is wrong with you but in these days, if you believe in God Jesus ,the people think something is wrong with you ,they will call good bad and bad good ,peace and health to all in JESUS name Amen

  3. Bob Iger is the one who was pushing these agendas and ideologies to begin with. He is the one who greenlit the Strange World and Lightyear films along with the other subversive LGBT+ agendas that have been popping up all over Disney+. He is back because the other CEO wasn't being aggressive enough with those messages. If you think having him back will change Disney, good luck.

  4. 3 movies with Santa and never one mention of Christ…wake up, people, Allen is pandering to you on a religious channel! “Religious origins of Santa” had nothing to do with Jesus either, as St. Nicholas lived long after Jesus and many of the traditions are based on Pagan customs!! Time for you to do some actual research of your own…

  5. As a muslim myself, my hats go off to Tim Allen! He wants to defend his faith and religion and prevent others from abusing it. It's such a sad sight to see how Christians and Christianity in general has become something people in the west can easily make jokes about and even insult under the pretext of freedom of speech and an agenda to push radical atheism. My hat goes off to the like of Allen who are standing their ground.

  6. What we’re seeing today is sin in full bloom. These things were still in the bud, so to speak 50 or 60 years ago. Walt Disney was a carnal man who got rich distracting people from reality.
    It’s sad that people are so inept that they have to pay people to entertain them.

  7. What in the world is a "woke climate agenda"?. First of all you look about 70 years old, you don't even know what woke means, can you people always hijack words and try to turn them in to something else. Now white people to claim racism. Secondly you guys would never have an old woman with a turkey chin on your show but you have this old man who doesn't know anything? The last video I saw you were blaming liberals. So this is really not information this is just Fox News part two. Do you ever consider praying for liberals instead of blaming them for everything? You guys have no love in your heart, you just condemn everybody else. You guys are the worst


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