‘Eye-Opening Insights: Christians React To Barbie Movie’ Well, we saw Barbie this week. In today’s video we’ll give our scores for …


  1. Hey P&M Fam! Have you seen Barbie? If so what ranking would you give it 1-10 and what were your thoughts? Did you agree with Morgan and I’s assessment? If you haven’t seen it, do you plan to or no?

  2. Let me preface – I haven’t seen this movie yet. I appreciate your insights. I feel like most didn’t know what they were going to watch as they went into the theater. The marketing team hyped this movie up so much. Most women want an excuse to dress up in pink clothes and do a girls night with their friends. It has become a cultural phenomenon. I have seen so many Barbie movie pink outfit photos on social media. We are fueling the movie hype (being accepted, with our girl friends dressed up for a movie). Probably the most photographed movie I have seen in a long time if ever. I don’t remember the last time I dressed up for a movie. 😅 As for the content, Most women played with Barbies when they were younger. So it definitely plays nostalgia for most. So why not see the movie, right?! I think that they probably used this to their advantage with their political agenda and putting these ideas in the minds of a lot, including young girls. It may or may not go over young girls heads, but not something I want my daughters to see. To me, that is sad that we are letting this happen. Thanks for your insights. Helping me to not want to partake in this Barbie phenomenon. I loved Barbie as a young girl. It was one of my favorite toys/dolls, but I probably will not see the movie.

  3. Totally agree with what y’all are saying I thought it was a five out of 10 like it wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t terrible. What I was hoping was an adventure between Ken and Barbie and then like marriage happy family and going on an adventure together or like becoming Ken and Barbie togetherand going on an adventure and then finally having kids and getting married like that’s what I was hoping for little adventure, little romance, and a happy family. Not political crap love the costumes loved Margot Robbie, playing as Barbie, and growing up, loving all the original Barbie movies that had like a storyline of being a hero, but having your husband by your side because I always imagined can being her husband and them leading with one another, and it being somewhat equal but at the same time knowing that your husband is gonna take it all the way and knowing that your wife is going to take it some parts of the way too but there are two different parts. I don’t know if that made any sense butanyway, I agree with you guys❤.

  4. pleasantly surprised by these comments. it's an important film for both men and women. not a kids movie, at least not without parental guidance – important teaching moment. the upshot is that if [the general] you think this was anti-man, you're missing the point, and anyone who wants to chalk it up to that is probably not capable of offering the correct parental guidance.

  5. As someone who was most definitely the target audience for this movie, I didn’t really like it. The trailers portrayed a very different story than what I watched. I left the theaters so confused about what I was supposed to take away from this film. What is the overall message?? Being a woman sucks in real life? I left a little depressed tbh Many of the characters were very inconsistent. Ken was my fav character- the humor revolving around him was the best part of the film IMO. Now I want the “I am Kenough” sweater🤣🤣🤣

  6. Can we address the fact that Will Farrell yelled “GET IN THE BOX JEZEBEL” & how that was probably meant to land as a joke, but it wasn’t even close to being true.
    Also, I enjoyed America Ferrera’s monologue & I think that it was meant to land as the audience’s voice on how people thought about Barbie in general.
    Totally see all your points though!

  7. No offense but y’all going to see a movie that is against your values is just a waste of time for everyone else. I feel like this channel depicts living as a Christian person as a miserable and complicated life when it isn’t at all.

  8. I saw it, and i loved it. It was genuinely a good movie, went with some friends and my brothers i enjoyed it. I think it's stupid that men feel so attacked just like women shouldn't feel attacked by Joker or men centered movies. I did think there were a few plotholes, tho. But overall, it was good.

  9. It ended with ken and Barbie realizing they could be people on their own, and they learnt human caring emotions. And learning how to respect each other, and it was fun.😂

  10. Im annoyed at how many films are caving to the woke agenda but i expect that in the world, so i just chose not to see these films. What i want to fight for is when it comes into the church!

  11. I haven't see the movie yet but probably will when its streaming at home. The only reason I agree with most of the things you guys said is because I have seen how women treat men when it comes to equal rights and women empowerment. I'm all for women empowerment but not when it involves bashing and putting men down.

  12. The fact you think this movie is saying woman need to rule the world is crazy. It’s pointing out how women feel. Ken literally says it in the rollerblading scene when they get to the real world “It’s like barbie land but reversed”. Feminism/women/liberals whatever you want to say do not think women should rule and I don’t believe the Barbie movie is saying that either. We just want equality. This movie is only pointing out how it feels to be a women in the real world. It’s showing men how we feel. I would never want the world to be ruled by women and be like Barbie land. I’m a women but I just want equality.

  13. We are of similar age, Morgan. There was endless propaganda in the opposite direction my entire childhood. Glad there’s going to be some evening out in my daughters life time. To get to a place of actual gender equality there has to be some scale tipping along the way. It’s not about women ruling everything it’s about actually, truly having equal say in politics, business, etc.

  14. I saw it with my sister, and I did think it was entertaining. But I agree with you guys, it took it too far politically. And it’s sad in my opinion to see how our culture glorifies self and experiences over finding out true identity in Christ. And yes, it made me disappointed to see men undervalued in this film. To everyone saying that Paul and Morgan are just “waiting to be outraged by every movie they watch,” I can genuinely tell you that is not why they went to see Barbie in this case. And I’m pretty sure that’s not why they go see any other movie either. That’s not why I went to see it even though I ended up being overall disappointed with it. So just take their opinion for what you will, and don’t bash on their opinions/critiques of the show.

  15. Sooo so happy that my husband and I can watch you two and can relate as Christian’s. It was deeply saddening when we sat there listening to the crowd laughing at the politically woke remarks. I personally left crying because it aches my heart to see something so evil snatch so many little girl’s hearts. We gotta pray for these future generations! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  16. Loved y’all’s review ! Mine would be a 1 if I had watched but I’ve seen plenty of reviews and clips and just to know that the beginning was Barbie breaking porcelain dolls or baby’s I can’t stand for any of that it seems too right off the bat hate on women being mothers which is something that is constantly being celebrated and hated on and attacked . Are the unborn children . But yea and just we have enough attacks on babies men and REAL women that this movie didn’t seem to help at all . I don’t think it was satire this is their agenda and they are so blatant and this just exposed them even more so . I like when Barbie was wholesome . Me and my sister used to lovE princess and the pauper !!!!

  17. When your political agenda starts effecting the quality of the movie, thats when you know the politics went too far. I’m very pro women empowerment and women’s rights but this was so overtly shoved down people’s throats that it distracted from all the other parts of the movie. I would have much rather have had the main plot of the movie been something about Margot Robbie’s Barbie trying to find herself because at one point she does struggle with her identity because she doesn’t have a career or anything attached to her name therefore making her doubt self worth as a Barbie. That was obviously was of the plots of the movie I just wished they focused more on that than blatantly shoving the whole “men rule the real world and they’re bad and women rule Barbie world and they’re good” down everyone throats.

  18. What I thought was so interesting was that the speech that America Ferreira gives states that women basically don’t know who to be in society — you have to be a career woman, but also a mom, etc. — and yeah, you know what did that?! FEMINISM. Goodness me people

  19. I saw this movie and I thought it was the worst movie I’ve seen in 5 years, complete garbage. But like garbage sometimes people throw away perfectly good things. Those things included the scene where Barbie is sitting on the bench next to the old lady (near when they first get to the real world) and anytime Ken was onscreen. The I’m just Ken song was glorious. But everything else was awful. Ken was the hero I’m convinced lol. Barbies we’re the villains.
    Paul and Morgan I highly recommend you check out The Critical Drinkers review of this. Just mute it when he cusses. It was a great review!

  20. Not only was the movie cringe, stupid and not even funny … but even worse was the feminist agenda they were clearly pushing. as a woman, it’s not empowering to always push this narrative that women are victims and woe is me. and it’s also sad to see how they portrayed male leadership as a bad thing, and portraying men as weak and stupid and incompetent. i really went into this movie thinking i would like it, but i truly hated it lol. literal feminist garbage.

  21. I loved the movie, but I really wish they hadn’t left Ken’s story hanging. Barbie made the comment “I’m actually not sure” when the mom asked about where the Ken’s live. I wish they would’ve had a more redemptive arch at the end & they had a Ken village in Barbie Land & you saw the Kens & Barbies working together

  22. I implore you to read brilliant Nancy Pearcey’s illuminating new book THE TOXIC WAR ON MASCULINITY How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes! Everyone MUST read it! Thanks for your critique of Barbie. 👍🏻👍🏻

  23. Is it just me who thinks everything felt rushed and underdeveloped? My biggest takeaway from the movie was that it was all over the place. First we establish Barbie land, but don't get much depth into any of the characters, then we go to the real world and I thought the struggle would be getting back to barbie land but no? Will Ferrell's character and plotline just felt unnecessary considering how little it actually added to the story, and everything was resolved between the mother and daughter so easily too. I think with all the great marketing i expected a more focused and central plot but it had so much going on, but nothing felt satisfactorily resolved, and then after wanting Barbie land back so much, Barbie decides to go to the real world in the last five minutes.


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