We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. I still trust in God and keep faith even though these last three years I have fallen on hard times. As a single mom, things have been tough my husband passed years ago. Both of my sons are autistic. I’m struggling to support myself and my children but my faith in GOD is still strong! I lost my job at Forsyth hospital for declining the vaccine. I’ve been struggling since. I declined because of my health conditions lupus, and heart disease. Since losing my job I’ve been waitressing I love it but I’m not making nearly what I use to to get by. Even as I constantly struggle to pay my rent and I constantly struggle to buy groceries. God shows up out of nowhere and provides. Walking with faith is the most important thing us christian’s must do. So as I struggle I Thank you Heavenly Father and I thank you Jesus I will keep faith! I know a blessing is coming! ❤

  2. Oh wow!!! The Bible is not for your breakthrough, nor your prosperity..but for the Kingdom of GOD and none other..JESUS CHRIST ON EARTH was every second of his living emphasizing and pleasing Abba father for his kingdom..

  3. It's Africa's Time to Travail in Spirit
    Rivers Shall Flow out of her children
    Power will go forth out of them
    Years of Travailing will start flowing unstoppably.

    The world will marvel and fold under the Power

  4. Thank u for shifting our focus from our circumstances to that which matters, the kingdom of God. Please continue reminding us that focussing on our troubles wastes our time and delays the purposes of God in our lives.

  5. 'But when The Holy Spirit Has come upon you, you shall receive and you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8.

    Power shall come upon you , shaking of everything not eternal shall follow you if you walk in the Way of The LORD and keep His commandments.

    Generational captivity will crumble under your voice. Keep Praying privately in your own space for the manifestation in tongues, it will Manifest publicly and you will testify. Believe and posses the gates of your enemy. Arm yourself in Heavenly Power. Seek the angel of The Lord's Army. Familiarise yourself with His department. Ask Jesus Christ to help you.
    Speak to Him Daily.

    Spirit of marry and remarry will crumble under your voice.
    Spirit of lust will crumble under your voice
    Spirit of unbelief will crumble under your voice
    Spirit of poverty will crumble under your voice.

    The Kronos and Kairos of your Calling Destiny and Heavenly Posterity will Line Up


  6. The level to which we reach in life will depend on our compliance and obedience to his revealed will. One if the proofs that God has choosing you is that he comes and gives you commandments in every area of your life. God gives commandments to those he has choosing. God can give you commandments to purge your pride, vanity and vain glory. He can give you commands tohumble you and make you comformable to his purpose.
    Secondly, you will have clear wncounter that will alter your lifestyle and deepwn your trust and commitment.
    He may also show himself alive to you
    We cannot extend rhe frontiers of the kingdom without power. Power is the spiritual capital. You must receive power

  7. The third thingis thatt all the purposes of God find expression in opportuned time, set time and regulated period. When the set time and season appears, God released grace to those involved to begin to pray and work to bring the purpose of God to pass. God has timing in all his dealings with man


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