Expecting Amish (2014) | AJ Michalka | Jesse McCartney | Alyson Stoner | Full Movie

Watch Expecting Amish (2014) on @Films4You Expecting Amish tells the story of 18-year-old Hannah Yoder who is ready to join …


  1. It was a nice movie. Didn't notice that Ron Ely was the church elder until I saw the credits. He use to be so good looking when he was young and played Tarzan. Ron Ely's son stabbed his Mother to death in 2019. Such an awful thing to happen.

  2. Siempre pasa lo mismo en esta religión, la tentación, la diferencia, la libertad, y el sexo son lo que hacen fracasar a la religión o al seguidor 🤷‍♀️

  3. Getting pregnant while on a trip isn’t the smartest choice either. The Amish community does not always make the best choices but they are a great community of people and take care of their families. The divorce rate in our country is just as bad.

  4. I am having a hard time thinking that the people in this video are not Amish the hair cuts are not right some of the clothes are not right I have been around the Amish all my life and I have never seen them dress like this and they always speak in German or Pennsylvania Dutch when they are in church or by there self

  5. Hannah and the Josh fellow gets a thumb
    down for me. I just see this movie
    demonizes religion or christians, and
    encourages a hook up culture.. it does an injustice to traditional values and contrasts “love” or “happiness” as the only pursuit of life. Choices made on a whim with short sighted outcomes. Duty is lost and character demoralized. Hannah is now in a codependent relationship with this guy. The struggle of having to build a life out of nearly nothing is not in her thoughts. Like most Hollywood movies she is living on surface level choices 🤦🏾‍♀️

    I can see myself in this story as Hannah in some respects. No one tells you what psychological effects are left with you after having sex. the clash of guilt between morality and your flesh, and how long it takes to pick up the pieces.. because Josh may not marry her or her marry him if they find out something about their characters they don’t like. What the movie did get right is that it comes with a big cost, the respect of your community and the brokenness of your family.

  6. Very riveting movie! Coming from the Amish myself I noticed things that do not accurately portray the Amish. But in many ways I could see that might happen in certain communities. It was painful watching her trying to tell her family and fiancé that she would be leaving them and the church. I know when I left I was so glad my family were a thousand miles away, and I just wrote letters. They never went that extreme in shunning me either, and would welcome me back anytime to visit.

  7. I like culture movies. It's is interesting to see how other people live in a community, with their FAITH in Their God.
    I have heard from an Real Amish person- there is no teaching of Intimacy-sex.
    Yet Why is there Alot of insexual relationships at a young ages between families. This is so Wrong !!! Shame On them. Nasty. Crime.
    I love the woodwork crafts from the Amish people.


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