eddielong #tdjakes #metoo #spencerlegrande #makeitmakesense #thebreakfastclub #clubshayshay #foxsoul #bishopeddielong …


  1. Hi Mims, appreciate your Live Spencer, Jay and Ed I feel what everyone is speaking. Spencer God was my refuse all my life. My go to, guidance, my friend who I would talk to even back when I was young. The elderly I worked for. Saw my pain. And one of my Aunts and her husband my uncle Ann. He would tell me talk to Jesus Christ and God who loved me. I had stumbled blocks but God put me, people where we need to be, in your life when you need them the most 😊❤🙏🏾. I fell again but I got baptized because I was not sure I had been. Although my Grandmother raised me in church ➕!

  2. First of all, prayers for him. God is good and faith is must.. If counseling is used, it would allow things to flow, in my opinion. I have seen people talk about SA from a family member that l learned more from. They told the audience what to look for, like words to say to a child so they feel safe to tell. He has to be willing to share it all. His wife or how beautiful she is, is not really what's needed because we are not judging him or the experience based on her…If he wants to heal people, he has to be more transparent. Just my feelings 😪.

  3. No person is prohibited by law for describing a criminal offense that occurred to them..Ed is an Ex Officer and he Actually said this??!! Not a good thing to say to Male victims who maybe watching and Are already reluctant to tell Anyone! Im disturbed by this comment by Ed. The guy who was telling his story was fine. Details can be told, he wrote about it. Thank You looking into these cases, underage males have been abused in the entertainment industry and its been covered up A Long Time, by very powerful connected people. Eddie Long and TD are just the church arm of this ring!!

  4. This was definitely hard to watch because it was a little all over the place. There was a lot of missed opportunities here. While there may be mental health professionals who are willing to “give discounts,” there are available resources out here for vulnerable populations who don’t have insurance, but need therapy and access to quality healthcare.

  5. If the goal is to break generational trauma (SA) whether the book is bought or not, we should have left with something to help that generation identify predators in the church. I still commend him for writing his story.


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