Ex-Pastor Exposes Dark Secrets of Dunamis Church After 10 Years Under Paul Enenche. Welcome to KaaTruths Podcast Are you …


  1. Anything gor cloutand views, of course saying rubbish about a popular person is an easy way to make money. This man being interviewed is a serial blackmailer, he would be in jail soon for his lies. Same guy VDM exposed recently as a fraud.

  2. This social media just dey bring out witches out, for Nigeria now witches no dey do coven for night again na podcast them come dey attend, ten thousand of u can't drag the church of God down try another format

  3. This man has gone far. I suggest he should be ignored and left for God to sort him out. I don't even see him accusing Pastor but the ills that took place around him which wasn't really Pastor Eneche's fault. It's quite a pity that the attack on the body of Christ comes from same people who are supposed to defend her.

  4. As soon as I heard of school fees I know it's born out of jealousy and ignorance, check other private schools how much they charge
    If the ones in church were staged managed what of those that get miracles at home
    Oga is Enenche God that will heal everyone? I don't understand the idea of due respect you keep saying, you claim you came to expose what kind of respect are you giving

  5. I am happy people are sharing testimonies here instead of believing your false accounts, keep deceiving yourself,read comments here you will realized you are fooling yourself not the church of Christ

  6. Why does he have a problem with ministry approach?? Every organization that has lasted and made an impact sure does have a strong modality guiding it, elese abuse would become the order of the day.
    7mins of listening to this guy got me laughing, coz he's not even sounding convincing and sincere enough. Not like I'm justifying any party though but guy come up with something better of you must do this. I pray mercy finds you though coz i smell REPROBATE MIND here😢

  7. I had a revelation when God of dunamis appeared to me in my dream and asked me to follow him when i was deeply oppressed with strange affliction on my neck. As we were having commanding the day midnight prayer, he made a brutal declaration that shoke the affliction out of my body and also when i had this seize on my womb like chain in my womb,, after visit Glory dome and placed my tommy on the floor to pray, it left and has never returned again since 2020 till now

  8. Its obvious the man is bittered. Was he serving God or the Pastor? He wanted be doing things in the church and they did not allow him. He does not believe in the doctrine of the bible. He wanted to pollute the church but he was not allowed. He resulted to cheap blackmail.
    He started blackmailing VdM now because VDM promised to buy him a car and vdm told him he was not convinced to buy it again. Check it on youtube. Abraham has entitlement mentality. I m not a member of dunamis neither do i listen to the pastor's message

  9. The host too has a flawed understanding of God. A product of staying too long under these fake men of God! The Universe already shows that God exists. The Gospel is to connect us to this God! God doesn't need to show with the physical signs that He is God except every single day, He has to show up in the sky writing things in the sky! Even if this is, do you think EVERYONE will want Him? Like Lazarus and the Rich Man, God wouldn't resurrect a prophet to preach the Gospel again

  10. Please let's pray a lot for this man so that the trials he said he's been through would not lead him to reject his salvation.

    Were you really a born again Christian? Did you know what persecution the early church went through and never gave up their faith in God Almighty through the sacrifice Jesus Christ died on our behalf?

    Where is your protection now that you're not hiding in God Almighty. You need Jesus Christ more than ever before. Even many that were initiated into the occult have ran out to seek refuge under the umbrella of the blood of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I have personally experienced encounters with the supernatural power of our Lord Jesus Christ through divine revelations.

    Please don't allow the devil to use you to bash real Christianity with a deep understanding and personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May God Almighty have mercy upon you and give you divine encounters to know that He's real.

    If your faith in God was seriously grounded in Him, no human being could have turned your heart away from your true maker, God Almighty, in Jesus Christ's powerful name 🙌, name, Amen 🙏. Rev.E.O.A.

  11. This is the same church Dunamis that the singer Osinachi Nwachukwu suffered years of domestic violence of beatings from her husband who was one of the security officers of the church, and finally kicked her on her chest that led to her death on April 8, 2022. She was one of my favorite singers and I was so sad to know such a situation could happen in a church as this.

  12. Iam a living testimony of the the miracle in Dunamis God is using pastor Paul enenchi to heal & touching lives dat lost hope Amen eeeeeeeeee ❤❤❤❤ more Grace ur oil will never run dry amen eeeeeeeeee ❤️ thanks for the update what ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  13. Top notch ❤. Only a man with knowledge would understand him well. You have to calm down and think deep to understands him much better 😮😊, I am well overwhelmed hearing him and he speaks vey well. Top interview and I don’t understand why vdm was gaslighting him because he asked for help from him.

  14. This guy is administratively naive. he is simply "rebellious", and does not have any business going into the ministry in the first place. He could also have been too familiar with his Boss because of the love he recieved.
    Truely, you dont give what belog to the children to dogs.
    Pastor could be Men of God, and never God of Men. Administration is essential for order, and that"s why there are Ordinances.


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