This is the message I really needed to hear in high school and university. Don’t Let Others Define Your Life! ▻Follow Jeremy on …


  1. I know I'm 2 years late but my best friend (girl) she told me she is leaving the school I go to yet she was the one thing that I enjoyed and I don't know how to talk to her (I like her but we have dated before) and i just don't know how to tell her cause i want to give a message with like a something to it. thank you for listening.

  2. I wish my son could meet you he’s on the edge of a cliff and we are losing him. I wish he would listen and open up his heart and receive your message. He is an emotional wreck God bless you

  3. mentally every since 10th grade back in 2017 I started smoking weed thinking it was cool… At 22 it’s safe to say I’m addicted.. high school I was popular, I was QB on the varsity team sophomore year at age 17 being a bigger faster kid.. I had promise to commit letters flooding in. The day I picked up smoking bud was the day I decided to ruin my high school life including all of my life leading up to today where all I do is work and smoke I chose the lifestyle that will kill me in less then 10 years if I keep up this addictive nature.. I have the spirit of a lion I need someone to come in my life before it’s too late to tell me I can get off my ass cancel the toxic shit I brain washed myself to do and turn into the nigga I was meant to become .. that boy people looked at saying that kid is going to be in the league one day instead of people looking at me like I’m on some crack bc I decided to smoke non stop for 4 years and ruin every single good thing that was going for me…. If I could kill the man who created weed or vapes or anytype of drugs I would bc a world without any demons would be a full world of angles and kings 😞- Im sorry mom for making me become a son no mom wants and I’m sorry farther using my vessel as a toxic transportation that is leading my soul to empty fields

  4. Thats me.. I watch my get bashed and stabbed in the face.. I sat at the window waiting all night for him.. I fell asleep… I didn't k know what was happening by I was so scared.. I love being at school coz I could get away from school then I was bullied.. now I've been told by my e whole life by my nan and mum I won't be nothing in life and won't get no where. No I'm 27 and I was recently drugged and then 2 guy where touching me… I'm a father of five and after that shit happened IIc e locked myself in a room for 3weeks now… I don't k ow what to do anymore.. I'm feel so lost. 😶✝️

  5. I think life is about facing hardships as a process to teach the new generation about the answers to hardships. I mean if we think about this process then, at first glance, we are like, "Yeah, I want to help that guy. I want to save those people. I want to let them know the truth."

  6. This helped me a lot. I was feeling down td. I thought that I'm not happy and I'm not good enough for my family and then watching this shows that I just need to belive in myself and don't let people get in the way of my future🤧

  7. God's words: My child
    ─You may not know me, but i know everything about you
    (Palms 139:1)
    ─I know when you sit down and when you Rise up
    (Palms 139:2)
    ─I am familiar with all your ways
    (Palms 139:3)
    ─Even the very hairs on your head are numbered
    (Matthew 10:29,30,31)
    ─For you were made in my image
    (Genesis 1:27
    ─In me you live and move and have your being
    (Acts 17:28)
    ─For you are my offspring
    (Acts 17:28)
    ─I knew you even before you were conceived
    (Jeremiah 1:4-5)
    ─I am your father and I love you even as I love my son Jesus
    (John 17:23)
    ─For in Jesus my love for you is revealed
    (John 17:26)
    ─He is the exact representation of my being
    (Hebrews 1:3)
    ─He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you
    (Romans 8:31)
    ─And to tell you that I am not counting your sins
    ( 2 Corinthians 5:18,19)
    ─Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled
    (2 Corinthian)
    ─His death was the ultimate expression of my Love for you
    (1John 4:10)
    (Romans 8:31-32)
    。*゚+God gave up everything that he love that he might gain our Love。*゚+
    ─I chose you when I planned Creation
    ( Ephesians 1:11,12)
    ─You were not A mistake for all your days are written in my book
    ( Psalms 139:15,16)
    ─I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live
    (Acts 17:26)
    ─You are fearfully and wonderfully made
    (Psalms 139:14)
    ─I knit you toso there in your mother's womb.
    (Psalms 139:13)
    ─And brought you forth on the day you were born
    (Psalms 71:6)
    ─And it is my desire to lavish my love on you
    (1John 3:
    ─Simply because you are my child and I am your father
    (1 John 3:1)
    ─I offer you more than your earthly father even could
    (Matthew 7:11)
    ─For I am the perfect father
    (Matthew 5:48)
    ─Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand
    (James 1:17)
    ─My plan for your future has always been filled with hope
    (Jeremiah 29:11)
    ─Because I love you with an everlasting Love
    (Jeremiah 31:3)
    ─My thoughts toward you
    ─I will never stop doing good to you
    (Jeremiah 32:40)
    ─For you are my treasured possession
    (Exodus 19:5)

    (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ So you might not believe there is a God but there is a God who believes in You, hope this helps someone out there💖


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