Every Cristian Teen should watch this before school starts. This video provides practical tips for real life application when heading …


  1. Yess it is so hard for this generation to get to know Jesus/God, the influences are just so fun for us kids, I even as a christian child didn't truly get to know God till about 3-5 months ago, but before that, Things were tough.

  2. I was wondering if you could make a video on having hobbies and interests as a Christian, i love painting, writing and watching movies with my family, but im worried about it, like should i give it all up or if im allowed to enjoy them in moderation as long as i dont focus on them more then god?, i really hope you consider this for a video

  3. I'm a teen who recently started taking my walk with God seriously but all my friends are still very distant from Him so I really don't know how to talk to them about it because they always knew I was Christian but I've grown a lot closer to Jesus than how I was before. I feel like they're just not going to listen so I don't know what to do.

  4. I'm homeschooled but recently in my free time I've been online on Reddit looking for people in need of help and I've told how God got me out of sin and is the reason I'm even alive today. And I wanna sometimes post videos on my channel talking about questions about the walk with the lord or sometimes just general self improvement. With the little I have I'm gonna make the best of it and spread the good news to the best of my ability.

  5. University starts tomorrow for me and I know the devil will try to attack with me women and other stuff but I will keep my head focus on the Lord our God and resist temptation please keep me in pray. This is the same guy from Barbados.

  6. Amen! I’m very grateful to receive this message, because I’ve been stressed out thinking I haven’t been doing enough for the lord, but now I believe I’m one step closer to becoming stronger in Christ. Thank you, and God bless!❤

  7. Yoo Marcus i started august its my second year in high school thanks for this advice i have changed my friends for Christian friends, and left videogames before it became an idol (it used to be). And have been reading my bible everyday since april of this year. Something that has been happening to me Marcus is tiredness, ¿What do you recommend me to do in this topic? i wanna look and keep seeking god but literally i feel physically tired after school..😓😓
    Without much to say thanks Marcus for this video much love man 💪❤️✝️

  8. Tbh im not really worried about the future or tommorow, if i can somehow get a house or apartment with todays prices in the future, praise be to god, if i don't praise be to god cuz i got him, im not worried cuz i know my future is in his hands, if i fail academically its alr, cuz god might have something else for me, or it could be my fault for not doing enough, edit: i heard of a story where a man and his friends went on a ship and the ship sunk because of a storm and everyone drowned but the man and he got to an island had food and built a shelter and i think he left or what then came back seeing his shelter in flames, he got mad at god and asked why that happened, then a ship saw the smoke from the burning shelter and the man got rescued, then he realized that god did that to save him, then he asked god for forgiveness, idk i just wanted to share the story, this is my 2nd time that i wrote it cuz the 1st time it got deleted but i persisted

  9. Thank you. Is was really anxious about what I should do or how I should evangelize in school and all or how to be in there or how to behave but this helped me calm down.
    I am often really impatient with myself so I stressed about the time I have with all this. I will do my best in giving my life to Christ every day so that I may not forget who I am and who chose me. God bless you all,I love you all dearly and can't wait to meet you there,Amen❤️

  10. Good video for the youth Marcus. They really need to see something like this. Because the distractions, the not so subtle wickedness in tv shows, movies, SOCIAL MEDIA, and music especially is ever present.


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