As the upcoming U.S. election approaches, it’s vital for every Christian to consider the critical issue of life in the womb when …


  1. Trump Supported white supremacist groups (Oath Keepers, Proud Boys & January 6th Capitol Rioters), most of them in Jail now,

    Trump said if he's win he'll pardon them, Trump called them good people! [Watch the day of wrath-youtube] Storming the Capitol!

    Tried to have his own (Vice President Mike Pence) kill for not committing a crime for Trump doing January 6th Capitol riots!

  2. We will not be held accountable for all the cussing s of Trump, because he will do that anyway whether he is president or not. But God will make us accountable for the many death of babies if the Democrats win, because we Christians, the body of Christ, the hands and feet of Jesus, failed to make the will of God be done on earth, to vote to save the defenseless, voiceless babies.

  3. Pitiful and scaring! How in the right mind a mother will kill a baby on the ninth month of pregnancy? The left not only promotes it but they want to put abortion in an Amendement to the Constitution! Their campaign ran only on abortion no other policy! Think deeply. and with a conscience before you vote!🕊❤️

  4. I noticed Ex-President Trumpo 🧑‍🦰 loves 💞 to fabricate the truth. I think 💬🤔 he should try reading stories instead of running for the United States President. I'm sorry but I can not 🚫 vote for Trump 🧑‍🦰 he is mentioned in project 2025 which cuts funding education 📖📚 to the disabled. I have a disabled child.

  5. I lost all respect for your ministry after this video. You're all pro life the unborn, but not the poor refugee escaping drugs and crime, the poor wage earner who can't even afford rent, the poor sick losing their home to medical bills, the Republican drive to enrich the super wealthy and tax the poor worker into serfdom and slavery and an early grave. Neither side of Babylon is my savior. My kingdom is not of this world. Both parties will destroy America.

  6. If you vote Harris, you run the risk of voting for someone whose parent stated his thinking was influenced by Karl Marx. While some articles blatantly criticize him as being a Marxist, others state that he’s “hardly a Marxist.” Nevertheless considering the effects of parental influence, is it worth the risk? Any parent will tell you of the times they overheard their children repeating something they themselves said. Underestimating a child’s “tape recorder” brain and their ability to parrot our conversations with alarming accuracy. How many times have you heard your child not only repeat things said but also include every swear words you may have included? Her interviews usually include the story of how her mom raised her and her sister which is quite accurately parodied on Saturday Night Live.
    She has yet to give any concrete answers to questions proposed by just about any interviewer she meets with.
    I cannot fathom how anyone who values the freedoms we hold so dear could possibly vote her into office. Has everyone forgotten the biggest risk to our country’s freedom and way of life is being torn apart, not just a little at a time, but hourly as millions of illegals have crossed our unsecured southern border which the Biden/Harris administration irresponsibly tore down the wall which Trump didn’t have enough time left in his term to get finished. Since then every drug lord and their minions along with murderers, thieves, and every criminal element has crossed into this country. The demoncrats are trying to push a bill that would allow unregistered immigrants to vote. And since demoncrats don’t like to punish criminals they are free to rob, destroy businesses, rape women and children, engage in sex trafficking, and run drugs all without fear of prosecution. A man who witnessed a pimp threatening and even slapping a woman around in public tried to stop him, along with another individual. After someone called 911 it took police 7 minutes to arrive while the 2 men tried to hold this guy down. When he got there he told the guys to let him go, there was nothing they could do. This happened in NYC which I just found out that not just NYC but other major cities controlled by the blue boys are sanctuary cities. Many cities are reconsidering measures against sanctuary city policies. New York isn’t one of them. You’d think they would have learned something in the past 12 months but apparently not. There are apparently no sanctuary cities in red states. And Harris wants to defund the police.
    Is that really what you want running our country?
    I could fill up several pages of things she has promised to do that are going to make life in America worse than ever. I wish I could go door to door and convince people that despite what some think, I believe Trump has been placed here in this generation “for such a time as this.” Just remember that Biden approved millions of dollars ($121 million) of taxpayer money to UNRWA, which is a UN agency under scrutiny for its alleged ties to Hamas.
    They stole our hard earned money but we’re still hearing that FEMA has no money for the hurricane victims. If you are going to steal my money how about using it for our own people?
    Just like a teenage girl being ignored by her boyfriend, after suddenly deciding she should show some interest in what Florida was doing to prep for the oncoming hurricane, she sufficiently worked up her indignation and accused DiSantis of politicizing the situation when he refused to take her call. I mean staying up for hours on end making sure he could do everything possible to make sure his people were as prepared as they possibly could be certainly smacks of politics to me (NOT). And btw, Governor DiSantis was in constant contact with Biden who told the man he was doing a good job preparing. As usual Harris was grandstanding which is about the only thing she seems to be good at. That and telling everyone about being raised by her mother.
    Think about your life and ask yourself “Did things get better for me within the last four years or have they become worse?” Start listening to people who have tried to find out where she stands on certain issues. After you hear about how she was raised you’ll find she has nothing substantive to add to the interview. She is like being on a blind date who everyone bragged about only to discover she’s empty headed and has relied on looks and body to get her by in life. I can only pray that your apathy regarding this election doesn’t end with us being overcome by the Babylonians!

  7. It has nothing to do with Trump I look at who has the best policy and then choose that person whoever it happens to be! Not standing/not voting against a pure evil political group like the Democrat party is showing your ignoranct or insane or maybe both!


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