Puzzle through the ethical dilemma of lying to a friend, and decide: is lying always wrong or can it be justifiable? — Your plan to set …


  1. 1:43 Bad example. There's a big difference between withholding / not disclosing truth and lying If someone asks me if I'm planning a surprise birthday party for them (and I am), am I "lying" if I ignore their question or respond, "If I were, why would I tell you?" Of course not.

  2. Being in a family where we’ve done similar things for siblings who are almost always late, this is easy for me. I’d lie and say the date is 30 minutes earlier than it really is. I wouldn’t leave it at that though, because life isn’t so simple. I’d tell the other person how their date is normally late to things and that I told him/her an earlier time

  3. This case is easy af.
    I would tell Carey to be on time if she really cares about her own sake and the relationship somebody suggested and let life be the way it is. I give the details of what needed to be done and they have to do well with the entailed responsibility. I can respect stances of people especially those of different culture, but since this question goes to me. I pick based on how I live, the fashion I choose to comply.

  4. I would just tell Emerson that Carey was typically a bit late to things, and then tell Carey to try to make it on time this time and give them both the right time. And what if Carey already realized that this was something she needed to make it on time to? If you told her to show up at the early time but Emerson at the actual time and she actually did show up early, then it would ruin her relationship with Emerson, and when she found out, it would ruin her relationship with you as well.
    Also, I think that little white lies are okay as long as they don't harm anything. For example, a white lie about a birthday present would probably be okay, but lying about which sibling broke your mom's expensive vase is not good.

  5. Unpopular opinion: Why is it your job to hook Carie and Emerson up in the first place?

    If Carie asked for your help to find someone to hook her up with, I get that.
    But if she didn't, why should you stick your nose in other peoples' business and make them meet strangers because you feel that they will make a good couple?

    It feels like a main character syndrome and it sounds so mechanical and controlive, it's like you are playing THE SIMS and you make your SIMS hook up with eachother, but instead of SIMS, it's your friends.

  6. Truth is inerrant. Therefore telling the truth is always telling the literally right thing. It is better to know the literally right thing than to know the literally wrong thing. Therefore, from a utilitarian perspective, it is always right to tell someone the truth rather than mislead them toward the false; the truth is always more useful to the cause of happiness in the long term.

  7. First of all Carey is a spoiled person “COmING ON TiMe TaKES aWAY MY FReEDOm” like what????? Being on time for something shows that you are responsible and people can rely and trust you. Either i tell her the problem or i just text her only that the dinner is at 6:15 and tell him that dinner is at 6:30. Problem solved.

  8. lying is the right thing to do in this case because trust me, i've had this sort of thing happen in real life, and it is always best to lie for their own good. also lying is fun! (that last part is a joke)

  9. Ethical dilemma: Respect. Respect someone's time. I.E. Don't be late if you have a set time/place. Someone who wastes my time by 5 minutes is no big deal. But 20-30 minutes like in the video? Naw, that's downright insulting. Cary can miss out on happyness.

  10. Yeah, i would be honest with Carey, because I would think if she would arrive at 18:30, technically she is already late, so she would be apologizing. And that would seem as an odd start of the relationship. I want to trust my friend and be there for him,her, valuing her indepence and decision makings. After all, we are adults and decision, actions lead to consequences. I'd be honest and inform her to try her best not to be late, or just inform him before hand that she is always late :). But overall, i would never be a cupid for someone, its seems kind of.. staged, faked? When you set them on a date.

  11. It is quite simple, you can just say that the person should come at 6 as in relationships coming early is important but the time MAY start at 6:30.
    I would try to phrase it in a manner than coming at 6 would be the most important thing.

  12. Personally, this is an easy answer. I would tell Carey that the date begins at 6:30. I would not lie to her. I do not have an absolute stance on lying, but I choose not to interfere with others choices. If she shows up late, she can face the consequences herself. If she shows up on time, then she will reap the benefits. I'm assuming Carey and Emerson are both adults, therefore can make their own decisions based on their logic. If Carey shows up late involuntarily, then it is Emerson's choice to move forward with the date or not. And if Emerson decided not to, that is his choice. It doesn't matter if his choice is morally "right" or "wrong", namely because morality is subjective, but also because Emerson has the option to choose what he wants.

  13. Honestly, I'd lie to Carey but tell Emerson what I'd done. Then I would take great amusement in seeing how long it takes Carey to find out that we're all pandering to her refusal to arrive on time. Because, honestly, anyone who insists on always being a half-hour late no matter the circumstances deserves whatever workaround their friends impose on them to make that tardiness work in the group dynamic.

  14. I’d just tell Emerson that Carrie is usually late. May as well prepare them. And if they were already getting to know each other through me, I’d probably already have told them about it.

  15. Okay but consider the conversation that would take place when Carey arrives at the restaurant.

    “Hey, you’re just on time! I got us a table.”
    “Just on time? I’m 30 minutes late.”
    “What? [your name] told me to come here at 6:30.”


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